Ambassador Gabriel on Mauritania-Polisario relationship

1) According to member of Polisario’s National Secretariat, the visit to the Canary Islands by a small Polisario delegation [including Speaker of the Saharawi National Council Khatri Addouh and Polisario’s representative in Spain Bouchraya Bayoun] during the second week of July had nothing to do with the fisheries agreement between Morocco and European Union [against which Polisario has been campaigning vigorously]. The main object of the visit, the National Secretariat member said, was to sign a number of agreements providing for aid for Saharawi refugees [in the Tindouf camps] on the one hand and Canary Island regional government grants for Saharawi students studying at Spanish universities.

2) The same National Secretariat member denied reports that SADR President and Polisario General Secretary Mohamed Abdelaziz will not be invited to attend the investiture of the newly re-elected President of Mauritania. Relations between the SADR and Mauritania are “at their best”, according to the source

Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel, Ret.
President and CEO
The Gabriel Company, LLC
1220 L Street NW, Suite 411
Washington DC, 20005
Phone: +1 202.887.1113
Fax: +1 202.887.1115


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