Tonight's meeting was productive



I want to express my satisfaction with tonight’s meeting.  I thought it was productive and helpful.  I know these first few months are normally challenging as you get situated in a new country, with new and “extended” staff, and as you begin to get your feet firmly planted on the ground here in the United States.  

I am at your service to help in any way to make your transition easier.  Please know that you can count on me and my staff.  

I also want to assure you that I want to find the best way to work with you that solidifies our partnership, provides you the comfort level necessary to perform your work, and maximizes my ability to support the Embassy, His Majesty and Morocco.  

I pledge my support to you and this cause and know we can find a way forward together that allows this to happen efficiently and according to a process that meets your expectations.  

Thank you, 


Ambassador Edward Gabriel


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