Appointment of a new Russian ambassador to Algeria shivers in Rabat

Morocco, Algeria, Russia, Valerian Shuvaev, Igor Beliaev, Western Sahara,

This nomination caused an impressive media fuss both in Morocco and at the level of European media appendages.

The Russian Federation has just appointed a new ambassador to Algeria, Valerian Shuvaev, a seasoned diplomat. A nomination, far from being an event, but which has toured the world’s chancelleries, and the subject of analysis by numerous editorial staff and international titles. In truth, things take on a whole new meaning if we know that Valerian Shuvaev had been in post in Rabat since 2018. A fine connoisseur of the Maghreb region. And even Moroccan trickery about Western Sahara and the secrets surrounding the agreements of shame with the Israeli entity. Snowball effect, this appointment has caused an impressive media fuss, both in Morocco and at the level of European media appendages. And all the speculations and ramblings are to try to cast shame on this character.

Commenting on the Kremlin’s decision and giving free rein to its imagination, the Makhzen press described this diplomatic action as a game of musical chairs. Far from hiding the panic and concerns of the Royal Palace, this Moroccan media gesticulation translates, in fact, the latent diplomatic failure of the Makhzen in its hideous quest to colonize a free and independent people. The readings provided by the Makhzen press leave no doubt about the degree of panic in which the kingdom of Mohammed VI is engulfed. Especially since the Russian ambassador, Shuvaev had animated the Moroccan and European media scene since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine. In a post published on social networks, and addressed to the heads of diplomatic missions posted in Morocco, Valerian Shuvaev had castigated the deceits of each other, in favor of the call for a boycott of a diplomatic rally in Morocco, in case Russian diplomats take part.

« The task of professional diplomats is to continue the dialogue and to carefully seek solutions, even if the existing contradictions seem insurmountable » he argued in the face of the host country’s passivity, bordering on complicity. Describing this grotesque gesture as « populist actions and light shows » which are part of the « job of politicians and public figures », he will say that « it is very difficult to understand the colleagues who proposed to the Moroccan organizers of the event annual cultural and educational National Rally of the Diplomatic Corps, to cancel it in case the team of the Russian Embassy will participate in it”.

In fact, it’s not so much the video posted last March that angered Makhzen officials and supporters, but rather the background. And for good reason, the ambassador addressed his subscribers against the backdrop of an original geographical map where Western Sahara is not annexed to Morocco. A detail that caused an outcry from officials and Internet users affiliated with the Makhzen.

The Algerians and the free Saharawi people can only rejoice at such an appointment, which heralds radical changes and encouraging diplomatic solutions on the horizon. A graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Valerian Shuvaev was born in 1955, and has been attached to the diplomatic service since 1977.

He has held various positions in the central office of the MFA Affairs, including the post of Deputy Director in the MENA department. It is Vladimir Baïbakov who will replace his colleague in Rabat, we learn from the same sources.

L’Expression, May 29, 2022

#Morocco #Algeria #Russia #WesternSahara


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