Maroc Confidentiel

Morocco spied on a meeting of Ban Ki-moon with Idriss Déby

Morocco, UN, Ban Ki-moon, Tchad, Idriss Déby, MINUSMA, Mali, RCA, République Centrafricaine, MINUSCA,

Morocco received an email containing the minutes of the UN Secretary General’s meeting with Chadian President Idriss Déby Itno. The confidential mail was sent by a certain Isam Taib, of the Africa II Division, DPA.

Among the secrets revealed by French hacker Chris Coleman is also a document containing language elements that the UN chief should raise in this meeting

Here is the full text of the mail as well as the document hacked by the Moroccan secret services.

Meeting with H.E. Mr. Idriss Déby Itno

I T []
Date d’envoi : vendredi 26 septembre 2014 18:30
meeting with H.E. Mr. Idriss Déby Itno,
President of the Republic of Chad,
Held at United Nations Headquarters
On 23 September 2014 at 18:15 pm


The Secretary-General
H.E. Mr. Idriss Déby Itno,
Ms. Malcorra
Mr. Ladsous
Mr. Koenders
President of the Republic of Chad
H.E. Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chad
Mr. Abdelaziz
Mr. Zerihoun
Ms. Guebre Selassie
Ms. Rubira
Mr. Taib (Note taker)
H.E. Mr. Gali Ngote Koutou,
Minister, Director of Cabinet of the President
H.E. Mr. Cherif Mahamat Zene,
Permanent Representative of Chad to the United Nations
Mr. Ahmat Abdrahman Haggar, Diplomatic Adviser of the President

Key points raised:

The Secretary-General reiterated his condolences for the recent loss of Chadian peacekeepers in northern Mali and commended Chad for its important contribution to the United Nations Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). He reassured Chad that their concerns would be addressed and encouraged Chad to continue supporting stabilization efforts in Mali. President Déby Itno reiterated Chad’s full commitment to continue supporting stabilization efforts in Mali and called on the United Nations to do more to address their concerns in relation to the conditions of their troops in northern Mali.

The Secretary-General expressed concern over the threat posed by terrorism and sought President Déby Itno’s assessment of the situation in north-eastern Nigeria. President Déby Itno expressed serious concern over the threat posed by Boko Haram and stressed the need to implement the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel to combat the spread of this phenomenon.

The Secretary-General commended Chad for its active contribution, as Chair of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and member of the Security Council, to resolve the ongoing crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR). He encouraged Chad to continue to support stabilization efforts in CAR and to cooperate with the United Nations Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). President Déby Itno highlighted that Chad would continue to support stabilization efforts in the Car and indicated that the deployment of Chadian soldiers to the country was not an option.

President Déby Itno raised serious concern over the situation in Libya.

Summary of Discussion

1. The Secretary-General reiterated his sincere condolences for the recent loss of Chadian peacekeepers in northern Mali. He indicated that Chad had shown courageous leadership and set a strong example for peace and security in the region through its important contribution to the United Nations Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). He expressed the UN’s appreciation for the excellent performance of Chadian soldiers within MINUSMA and commended Chad for its role in support of the Malian peace process. He underlined that the UN was determined to provide support to the Chadian contingent by improving the situation in their bases and through the provision of additional equipment. He informed the Chadian delegation that the United Nations is exploring options to increase the number of armored vehicles, pre-deployment training and collaboration with the French operation “Barkhane”. He announced that the UN would dispatch a high-level delegation to N’Djamena, Chad, to discuss these issues.

2. President Idriss Déby Itno indicated that, while Chad was shocked by the recent killing of its soldiers, it would remain committed to pursue its cooperation with the United Nations. He deplored the “very bad” management of Chadian peacekeepers located in the most volatile and difficult regions of the north of Mali (Aguelhok, Tessalit and Kidal). He called on the UN to improve the living conditions of Chadian soldiers and to take necessary measures to enhance their protection. He suggested that a rotation of troops within MINUSMA be established to allow Chadian peacekeepers to be regularly redeployed out of this “hardship zone”. President Déby Itno insisted on the need to implement the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel to tackle the spread of terrorism and to prevent further recruitment by these groups. He indicated that the promises made by the World Bank and the UN to the people of the region needed to materialize.

3. The Secretary-General encouraged President Déby Itno to work with national stakeholders to ensure that progress achieved in peace consolidation is further strengthened in the country.

4. The Secretary-General expressed concern about the threat posed by Boko Haram and sought Chad’s views on the situation in north-eastern Nigeria and its impact on peace and stability in the region.

5. President Déby Itno indicated that he was very pessimistic about the situation in north-eastern Nigeria, adding that the Nigerian army did not have the means to contain Boko Haram. He was very concerned with Boko Haram’s new tactics of conquering territories, expanding its activities into Cameroon, and increasing recruitment. He also expressed serious concern about Boko Haram’s allegiance to the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

6. The Secretary-General commended Chad for its active contribution, as Chair of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and member of the Security Council, to resolve the ongoing crisis in CAR. He also welcomed the initial role played by Chadian soldiers to stabilize CAR and invited Chad to continue to cooperate and render support to stabilization efforts in CAR.

7. President Déby Itno welcomed the launch of MINUSCA’s operations and stated that the recent resumption of economic activity in Bangui was a good sign. He regretted that the Government had little influence beyond Bangui and indicated that more dialogue was needed. He warned against pushing for elections in the CAR and stressed the need to support the ongoing transition, including financially, to allow for the expansion of state authority throughout CAR. Concerning the anti-Balaka, he mentioned the need to confine these groups to barracks and to begin DDR operations as soon as possible. He indicated that the deployment of Chadian soldiers to CAR was not an option, adding that Chadian public opinion was adamantly against it. He added that Chad was however ready to support CAR, including through the training of its soldiers and officials.

8. President Déby Itno expressed serious concern over the ongoing situation in Libya.

Follow up action: none

Isam Taib
Africa II Division, DPA

Africa II Division, DPA

#Morocco #UN #Tchad #Idriss_Déby_Itno #CEEAC #Mali #MINUSMA #RCA #MINUSCA

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