Iran : Leaders of the opposition abroad think first of their interests” (Opponent)

Topics : Iran, opposition, Mahdi Marmanian, Masih Aslinejad, Mohammad Abtahi, Nazanin,

Lessons from my report in Tehran. The diaspora harshly judged by Iranians inside. “Many outside thought the regime was going to fall. The diaspora does’nt know the country well, many left long time ago. Leaders of the opposition abroad think first of their interests” (Opponent).

Mahdi Marmanian, director of the reformist daily Shargh. “We take Reza for someone without much political sense. He went to Israel when Netanyahu was facing his worst difficulties. Masih Aslinejad? It’s a joke she was one of our journalists here”.

“We know her. She was daring, but has no background. Esmaeilion realized this, he left the direction of the movement they had created. As for Nazanin, the actress, we are not Ukraine to have an actress president, we don’t take these people seriously”, said Mahdi Marmanian from Shargh.

Mohammad Abtahi: former reformist vice-president (opponent). “We have an opposition that accentuates fear. Opponents in the diaspora are exploiting the feelings of youth to outdo one another”.

Another diplomat “Some Iranians appreciate the efforts of the diaspora, but it is not the majority. Many criticize the fact that the diaspora exploits the sacrifices of victims to appear on the scene. The ruling structure of the Diaspora is a joke.”

“If the misdiagnosis made in Europe at the start of the protest was naive, it is probably under the influence of the diaspora,” concludes this diplomat.

This is an interesting perspective. But I hope you know how discredited & unpopular reformists are in Iran, so ‘they would say that wouldn’t they’. Even if the diaspora leaders may not be as popular inside as some outside think, they are still more popular than reformists I think.


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