Tags : Western Sahara, Morocco, Frente Polisario, UNO, General Assembly, Omar Radi,
New York, 27 September 2023
The Statement of the Representative of the Occupying State is a discordant voice and an affront to everything that the United Nations stands for The occupying state of Morocco continues its desperate attempts to distort the established facts regarding the international status of Western Sahara and the legitimate struggle of the Sahrawi people, which is manifested in the statement delivered yesterday by the representative of the occupying state to the United Nations on behalf of his country before the seventy-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly.
The statement of the representative of the occupying state is an insult to the intelligence of Member States because of the blatant lies and distortions that it contains regarding the question of Western Sahara, which has been on the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly and its subsidiary bodies since 1963 as a decolonisation issue in recognition by the International Organisation of the inalienable right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination and independence in accordance with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) concerning the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.
Following the statements in support of the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination and independence delivered successively by Member States since the beginning of the General Assembly session on Tuesday, the statement of the representative of the occupying state of Morocco came as a discordant voice and an affront to everything that the United Nations stands for, including the commitment to the principles of international law, the defence of peoples’ rights to freedom and independence, and the inadmissibility of the acquisition of land by the use of force.
The false allegations contained in the statement of the occupying state of Morocco concerning the international status of Western Sahara and the legitimate struggle of the Sahrawi people had already been refuted by documented and irrefutable arguments in the letter (S/2023/219) dated 20 March 2023 and the letter (S/2023/456) of 19 June 2023, which were distributed to Member States as official documents of the Security Council, among other things. Therefore, rehashing the same preposterous allegations before the United Nations General Assembly demonstrates once again the incoherence of the representative of the occupying state and his lack of any “argument” to support his untenable position.
What makes matters worse is that the representative of the occupying state of Morocco has resorted, as usual, to blaming others in a barefaced attempt to divert attention from the chronic structural problems facing his ruling regime, especially in the wake of the natural disaster that recently befell the Moroccan people, which exposed the Moroccan fragile regime before the whole world and showed its true face, despite its attempts to hide the dire situation with its false propaganda and poorly staged “charades”.
The intransigence evident in the statement of the occupying sate of Morocco before the United Nations General Assembly demonstrates once again that the occupying state is a rogue state that disregards international law, and that it has no political will to comply with the resolutions of the United Nations and the African Union on the need to reach a peaceful, just and lasting solution to the decolonisation of Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa.
However, no matter how long the occupying state of Morocco persists in its escalatory rhetoric and intransigence, the Sahrawi people, who are firmly attached to their internationally recognised and legitimate rights, will resolutely carry on their liberation struggle by all legitimate means until they attain their non-negotiable freedom and independence and the establishment of sovereignty over the entire Sahrawi Republic.
Ambassador Sidi M. Omar
Representative of the Frente POLISARIO at the United Nations and Coordinator with MINURSO
#Western #Sahara #Westernsahara #Polisario #Morocco #UNGA #Omar_Hilale
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