Africa’s view of a gay Prime Minister in France

Tags: France, Africa, Gabriel Attal, Stéphane Séjourné, gay, homosexual lobby, Emmanuel Macron,

France/Gabriel Attal head of government: the homosexual lobby takes power in France: Africa’s view of a gay Prime Minister

The young Gabriel Attal has just been appointed Prime Minister of France at the age of 34. The new head of the French government is one of the rare authorities in this country to have publicly recognized his homosexuality. How will Africans, in their overwhelming homophobic majority, appreciate the appointment of the homosexual Prime Minister?

When in France, the emphasis is placed on the youth of the new Prime Minister and on certain leaders of the regime who would have opposed his appointment, in Africa, it is another view that Africans have of Mr. Gabriel Attal as an assumed homosexual.

In Africa, homosexuality is very frowned upon. Moreover, several countries have refused to decriminalize the offense of unnatural acts despite pressure from NGOs and lobbies. Senegal is a confirmed example. Former American President Barack Obama had awaited the Senegalese president’s categorical refusal to decriminalize this offense.

In Africa, homosexuals hide because they are rejected by society. They are frowned upon. And they are often victims of physical violence. Moreover, African archbishops had unanimously rejected the blessing of homosexual couples in Africa following the Pope’s outing on the issue. So on the continent, the political, religious and customary elites ban homosexuality in all its forms.

So, it is obvious that Gabriel Attal’s next visits to Africa will give rise to heated controversies. Some heads of state and government will avoid welcoming him for fear of being criticized by their local public opinion. African political authorities who agree to receive Mr. Attal on an official visit could be accused of being promoters of LGBT people or of simply being homosexual. Because African public opinion is very often frivolous and reckless. This is why the appointment of Attal as head of government could cause a chill in Franco-African relations, if he were put forward. Africans are systematically resistant to homosexuality.

Moreover, in its report number 1841 entitled: “Relations between France and Africa” produced by the Foreign Affairs Committee (Mr. Bruno Fuchs and Ms. Michèle Tabarot), important words were said on the LGBT issue. in Africa, and its negative impact on relations between France and Africa.

The Foreign Affairs Committee had, however, clearly defined the question. The report noted that, « France is multiplying initiatives which can be interpreted, even today, as an attempt to prolong its hold on Africa, by promoting democracy while openly defending equivocal regimes or still seeking to export its standards, its societal model and its values.” As an example, the report recalled that “recently, the French ambassador in charge of defending the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people has only reinforced this feeling. His visit planned to Cameroon from June 27 to July 1, 2023 to discuss the situation of LGBT people in this country where homosexuality is criminalized had to be canceled after the ambassador was declared persona non grata, the Cameroonian government seeing this an initiative that showed little respect for local laws and values ​​and ultimately refused him the issuance of a visa.”

What will happen when the homosexual Prime Minister decides to visit this country? Will Gabriel Attal have the privilege of being received with all honors in an African palace where homosexuality is criminalized? Don’t be surprised if young Africans launch petitions to declare Attal persona non grata in Africa. The fierce resistance of African public opinion to this subject is beyond measure. Even political actors avoid discussing this subject in public, except to denounce it.

According to the report of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly, “the question of sexual orientation is at the origin of another misunderstanding” between France and African countries. The report recalled that “homosexuality is prohibited in many countries on the continent and punishable by heavy criminal penalties; in Sudan, Somalia or Mauritania, the death penalty can be required for homosexuality; in Tanzania, it is punishable by a prison sentence of thirty years; in Chad, with a prison sentence of up to three years.

Furthermore, the French MPs’ document added that « in most countries where homosexuality is not explicitly criminalized, discrimination, violence and stigmatization against homosexual people are common. » Moreover, “recently, the body of a young man, suspected of having a criminalized sexuality in Senegal, was dug up and publicly burned.” These monstrous acts reveal the level of rejection of men and women who publicly accept their homosexuality.

“The continent’s diplomatic counterparts criticize the French approach to promoting the rights of LGBT+ people, deemed intrusive and sometimes counterproductive,” the report said. Returning to the incident in Cameroon, the authors of the report stressed that “the holding of this conference in a country where homosexuality is punishable by six years of imprisonment was considered, throughout Africa, as a provocation”.

The deputies also clarified that « it is in no way a question of accepting this situation nor of denying our values, quite the contrary », but rather, « it is necessary to adapt our practices and our discourses to local contexts to make them audible and acceptable to local populations, so as not to act, abroad, as if we were in France.

“We must therefore recognize that France’s diplomatic modus operandi is not effective. In Angola, a committed column, published by a foreign diplomat on this subject, led to arrests in the LGBT+ community, demonstrating that interference was not appropriate in this country. This is a reality that must be fully taken into account,” recall the authors of the parliamentary report.

It must be recognized that, faced with this strong tendency of the French authorities to promote Western values ​​seen as counter-values ​​in Africa, the normalization of relations between France and certain African countries is not for tomorrow. Let’s wait to see Gabriel Attal’s first visit to Africa…

Source: Dakar Times , 01/10/2024

#France #GabrielAttal #StéphaneSéjourné #HomosexualCouple #Macron

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