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Talk peace, make war

It is inconceivable that the Polisario would agree to any arrangement that didn’t give the Western Saharans control of their natural resource assets, most notably the phosphates and fish. These alone would give the small […]

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Ephémérides du 14 août

Le 5 août 1979, la Mauritanie et le Polisario décidaient “de signer entre eux une paix définitive”. La première déclarait qu’elle n’avait et n’aurait “pas de revendications territoriales ou autres sur le Sahara Occidental” et […]

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Western Sahara poser for the UN

Morocco serves as the backdrop for such Hollywood blockbusters as Gladiator, Black Hawk Down and Body of Lies. The country’s breathtaking landscapes and gritty urban neighbourhoods are the perfect setting for Hollywood’s imagination. Unbeknown to […]

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Risk of status quo

The American diplomat Christopher Ross was chosen this past summer to untangle this mess. Ross was originally selected for the job in September, but it took several months to make it official, after Morocco obstructed […]

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La diplomatie des otages

By Carne Ross Il y a peu d’actes de diplomatie plus frappants qu’un ancien président américain atterrissant dans le pays le plus interdit au monde pour sauver deux femmes d’années d’emprisonnement et de travaux forcées […]

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La diplomacia del tejemaneje

El presidente del gobierno español, José Luis Zapatero, ha sido anunciado en Rabat, donde efectuará, antes de finales de año, una visita oficial que debería confirmar, según fuentes oficiales de Madrid, “las excelentes relaciones bilaterales” […]

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Malditos sean!!!

España ofreció, oficialmente, el sábado su mediación para una normalización entre Marruecos y Argelia con el fin de establecer ” una armonía ” en la región del Magreb. Madrid está “preparada para animar ” la […]

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Well fancy that…

By Nick Brooks Those of you who follow the news from north-west Africa will have heard about the alleged al-Qa’ida attack in northern Mauritania, in which twelve Mauritanian soldiers died. The attack occurred just east […]