Étiquette : European Parliament

  • Migration: Europe and the fear of elections

    Topics : Migration, Union Européenne, UE, elections, asylum, European Parliament, European Council,

    Less than a year remains in the European Parliament and Council to agree on a new asylum and migration system. Otherwise the disagreement will be an electoral issue.

    The situation is dramatic in all respects. If we don’t measure the urgency now, when will we? The words of Sophie in ‘t Veld, a liberal Dutch MEP, can be translated into all the languages ​​of the European Union. From Lampedusa to rue de la Loi, women, men and children seek asylum without necessarily finding refuge. Many Member States are toughening their tone, and often their policies. And all are looking to Europe for a “common response”. Which exists, on paper: a Pact, proposed in the fall of 2020, which aims to reform the European asylum and migration system. Or a set of legislative texts, which form a whole, based on greater solidarity between capitals, together with a better assumed responsibility.

    Last week, Parliament agreed on its negotiating position on the various proposals. Which provide in particular for a mandatory solidarity mechanism, in the event of a “crisis” situation, approved by the Commission: when a country is faced with a significant migratory flow, it can seek help from others. Which will pass, mainly, by the relocation of migrants or, alternatively, by human, financial or logistical means. A reform of the Dublin rules is also on the table: it plans to add, at the sole point of entry into EU territory, other criteria to determine which Member State can take charge of the application for asylum, in particular the existence of a family, cultural or educational link with a country. Finally, so-called “filtering” procedures are planned at the borders.

    « A responsibility to voters »

    The Parliament and the Council have undertaken to complete the negotiations and move on to the final votes under the Belgian presidency, at the beginning of 2024. A tight timing because the Twenty-Seven have not yet adopted their own negotiating posture. And are not about to do so, fear several European sources, worried to see Sweden, which holds the rotating presidency, procrastinate. « They will accelerate », assured, before the MEPs, Nicole de Moor. The Secretary of State, and with her the Belgian diplomacy, is busy pushing the file. Because, in the unanimous opinion, for lack of agreement before the end of the legislature, everything will have to start over, or almost. But, above all: “In a year, we will be preparing the elections, this Pact will have to be done. We have a responsibility towards the voters, ”insists the CD&V representative.

    Between the lines of this debate, but also of all those who appear, every week, on Parliament’s agenda, every month in the discussions at the Council of Ministers of the EU, and, every quarter, at the European Summit, a Fear, little expressed but strongly felt by elected officials, of seeing migration impose itself on the electoral agenda. A stone… in their own garden: national policies all show at least flaws, at worst violations of human rights. The reception networks are saturated in Belgium, the Netherlands and Austria; Italy sabotages the work of NGOs that save lives at sea; Sweden is closing its borders, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia and Greece are turning back migrants… Enough, legitimately, to call into question the action of the parties in power.

    Migration, a polarizing theme

    But there is another electoralist factor, a deleterious one: the far right brandishes the migration issue, like a scarecrow in front of the citizens. A fertile ground: in a study carried out in ten European countries, the Midem research center (University of Dresden) highlights the extremely polarizing side of the theme. It is, with the climate, the theme that most divides society. “Refugee movements serve as a pretext to develop narratives that reinforce the fears and discontent of the population towards migrants,” explains Hans Vorländer, its director. Not without success, “since we see the extent to which confrontation and brutality on these issues are increasing, both in the streets and in parliaments, in political speeches. With, as a result, a hardening of positions and policies.

    “Before, it would have been unimaginable to build walls at the borders, to tolerate concentration camps for migrants in Libya, protests Sophie in ‘t Veld. Have we lost our moral compass? People are drowning in the Mediterranean and it seems that everyone is indifferent. The first quarter of 2023 was the deadliest in these waters since 2017: 441 people lost their lives in three months. “An intolerable situation, denounces the director general of the International Organization for Migration, Antonio Vitorino. With more than 20,000 deaths on this road since 2014, I fear that these deaths have normalized. »

    Reception crisis: In Brussels, a new occupation set to last

    Commuters entering the capital by car via rue de la Loi could not have missed the banners on the building that adjoins the CD&V headquarters since the beginning of the week. A hundred Afghan, Palestinian and Eritrean asylum seekers took possession of the premises as part of an occupation managed by the Stop the Reception Crisis collective.

    This collective, already behind the squats in Schaerbeek this fall and Saint-Josse at the end of winter, is trying to draw media and political attention to the lack of reception places in the Fedasil network. In an interview with Le Soir , Fanny François, acting director , confirmed that more than 3,000 people, only single men, were on a waiting list.

    The occupation of the rue de la Loi is less talked about than the previous ones because the Brussels police very quickly announced that they would not intervene. Not yet, in any case. Negotiations are underway with the owner of the building and the Brussels Region. The collective hopes to be able to stay in the premises until the start of the work, which is not expected for several months.

    no discussion

    No discussion has yet taken place between the collective and the Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, Nicole de Moor. A list of the 95 residents who normally all have an annex 26, proving that they are entitled to reception by Fedasil, has been drawn up. So far, however, nothing is changing.

    In the Office of the Secretary of State, it is recalled that the government has taken measures to speed up the exit of asylum seekers from reception centers: « This will free up places for people on the waiting list and for the new asylum seekers who continue to arrive every day. People occupying buildings are not given priority. This would not be right with those who have waited longer. Every day we invite people from the waiting list for a place at Fedasil. We are also working on prevention campaigns to reduce the influx, and on the return of people who do not obtain a right of residence. »

    Inside the building on rue de la Loi, people no longer believe in the promise of places, some say they have been living on the street for months. The different communities are spread over the three floors. Bracelets were distributed so as not to let intruders settle. Guard tours at the entrance are also organized. Ultimately, the collective Stop the reception crisis plans to let asylum seekers manage themselves. Other initiatives of this style in buildings with a symbolic location are planned in the weeks or months to come.

    Le Soir, 28 avr 2023

    #UE #Migration #Elections

  • Marie Arena was offered (without her knowledge?) a luxurious stay in Morocco

    Tags : Qatargate, European Parliament, corruption, bribery, Luca Visentini, Antonio Panzeri, Eva Kaili, Francesco Giorgi,

    Panzeri the repentant was, according to his own confession, generous with the money of his Moroccan friends: one of them would have offered him, in 2015, a stay with Marie Arena at La Mamounia, a mythical palace in Marrakech.

    By Joel Matriche and Louis Colart

    It was a bad day: by springing on Antonio Panzeri and Francesco Giorgi on 9 December last, the agents of the Belgian federal judicial police not only thwarted an operation of interference such as the European Parliament had never known, they also destroyed in the former MEP and his collaborator any hope of a Christmas on the balcony. “Atmoun was looking for a hotel for us in Marrakech, it’s a very well-known hotel,” Giorgi confessed to investigators just days after his arrest. Then: “I can confirm that everything was taken care of either by Atmoun or by someone from Morocco. Everything was offered. »

    This stay by invitation in December 2022 at La Mamounia – one of the most renowned five-star hotels in North Africa – would not have been a first for Panzeri: in 2017 or 2018, he recalled a few weeks in front of the police who auditioned him, it was in the company of Mr. Giorgi and his partner, the Greek MEP Eva Kaili, that he rested there for a week. At the expense of the Moroccan government or, at the very least, of one of its representatives: Abderrahim Atmoun, ambassador of the Cherifian kingdom in Poland and alleged corrupter of several members of the European Parliament. “These trips were totally (excluding extras) organized and paid for by Mr. Atmoun,” said Antonio Panzeri during his interrogation. “He texted us the flight numbers. We had nothing to do.

    Stay for two in a palace

    But long before that, it was Marie Arena who was entitled to a guided tour of the Marrakech palace in the company of her colleague Antonio Panzeri: “In 2015, there was a trip with Marie Arena. She accompanied me for two or three days to La Mamounia, where we met the Sahrawi community. “I think Marie Arena thinks it was me who invited her but, in reality, everything was taken care of by Atmoun”, further specifies the former Italian MEP in this report of the hearing that were able to consult Le Soir and La Repubblica. He does not specify at this time whether his friend paid the bill with his own funds or with those of the Moroccan state.

    However, it appears from diplomatic cables quoted by Le Soir in mid-January that in 2011, Rabat had identified the European parliamentarian as a key man who could « be a strong ally or a formidable adversary », a political interlocutor who was better to have as a friend than as an enemy. Two years later, in another confidential note summarizing the actions to be carried out in order to promote the « interests of Morocco within the European Parliament in 2013 », Panzeri was described as a « friend of Morocco ».

    Asked by Le Soir about this Moroccan excursion in 2015, Marie Arena did not respond. In her previous explanations, she had not hidden « a professional friendship » forged with the neo-repentant during the previous European legislature. Friendship which therefore grows today from this trip offered – perhaps unwittingly – by a Moroccan official.

    “The money and the trips were not taken care of by Atmoun but by a Moroccan agency”, continues Antonio Panzeri a little further in his hearing, without however specifying which trips and to which period he refers. “I discovered it because my hotel key was in a pocket with the name of the reservation. It was the DGED. That’s when I understood. » DGED, four initials for General Directorate of Studies and Documentation, the Moroccan external secret services. According to a declassified note from State Security submitted to the judicial investigation, Abderrahim Atmoun received his orders in this interference operation from a secret agent of the DGED, a certain Mohamed B. A well-prepared meeting.

    Invited on January 17 on the RTBF set, just after the signing of the repentance memorandum, one of Panzeri’s lawyers spoke out: « One of the reasons why Mr. Panzeri wanted to speak, it’s because he knows he betrayed some people’s trust and Marie Arena is one of them. (…) He believes that he is a very righteous person, who should not have been accused as is the case here. He will quote her name to say that she has absolutely nothing to do and that he would never have dared to offer her anything, ”promised Me Laurent Kennes.

    In audition, Antonio Panzeri kept this promise. On several occasions, as for this 2015 stay in Marrakech, he cleared the former minister-president of the French Community. « I want to clarify that it has nothing to do with these stories, » he says, for example, referring to the hidden deal with Qatar.

    However, investigators keep coming across the identity of the Montoise. The attitude of the resigning president of the human rights sub-committee around the hearing of the Minister of Labor of Qatar, Dr Ali bin Samikh Al Marri on November 14, 2022, is the perfect illustration of this. During one of his interrogations, Francesco Giorgi claimed to have met, in the company of Mr. Panzeri, a Qatari delegation on October 10, 2022 at the Wiltcher’s hotel in order to « prepare the minister for this scheduled hearing in Parliament ». Seized by investigators, video surveillance images attest to this meeting.

    Taking advantage of his visit to Brussels, Minister Al Marri discussed the next day, October 11, with official representatives of the EU: one of the vice-presidents of the Commission, a German MEP as well as Marie Arena, president of the sub-committee human rights. Two weeks later, to follow up on this meeting with her Qatari interlocutor, Ms. Arena officially invites her to take part in the meeting which will be organized on November 14 in Parliament in order, in particular, to discuss the rights of foreign workers in Qatar. Logical question: where did the idea come from to audition the Minister of Labor of Qatar on 14 November in Parliament? How could Dr. Al Marri be « prepared » on October 10 for a debate to which he was not yet formally invited? Also to this question.

    What still appears, in the light of telephone tapping carried out on Antonio Panzeri’s device, is that Marie Arena was not unaware that there was contact between the Qatari and his friend Antonio. On November 14, shortly after the end of this famous session in the human rights subcommittee, Marie Arena called the Italian. In this telephone interception which Le Soir has already reported, the second compliments the first for her intervention and announces to her that the minister (Mr. Al-Marri) is just as satisfied. La Montoise does not seem surprised by this connection between her friend and the Qatari authorities. To this curious telephone exchange, Ms. Arena did not wish to provide further details.

    While it does not appear in the hearings and testimonies to which Le Soir had access that the socialist could, unlike some of her colleagues, have been remunerated by her friend Antonio Panzeri or by a foreign intermediary, her promiscuity with the ex-elected Milanese make her more than ever appear as the one who was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person.

    “I found him a lawyer”
    By Louis Colart and Joël Matriche
    On December 9, 2022, when federal agents invaded apartments and offices in Brussels in order to carry out around fifteen searches and a handful of arrests, there was panic. Unable to reach her companion Francesco Giorgi, the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Eva Kaili, first tried her luck with Antonio Panzeri. Who does not pick up more since he, too, was brought in for questioning. « I then tried to join Marc Tarabella, then Marie Arena », says Ms. Kaili again during one of her auditions. “They told me they didn’t know why Panzeri wasn’t responding. »

    At the beginning of the afternoon, everyone knows that the trade unionist Luca Visentini, Francesco Giorgi, Niccolo Figa-Talamanca and Antonio Panzeri were arrested, in the light of the revelations of Le Soir and Knack. The fate of the latter worries M., one of his former assistants, as much as Marie Arena.

    – “Did you look for me? asks, picking up, the Belgian MEP to her interlocutor.

    – “Yes, I looked for you to say that in my opinion, he has been arrested. So you have to find him a lawyer. »

    – « I have already sent, I have already sent. It’s already done. –

    “Ah… OK”, reassures Mr.

    It is therefore, according to the content of this police listening, Marie Arena who urgently appointed a lawyer to represent her friend Antonio Panzeri. Was it already Mes Kennes and Uyttendaele? Contacted by Le Soir, neither the MEP nor the lawyers wanted to provide any details.


    #Qatargate #European_Parliament #Corruption #Bribery #Antonio_Panzeri #Eva_Kaili #Francesco_Giorgi #Marie #Arena

  • Qatargate: Union boss Luca Visentini disavowed amid damning reports

    Tags : Qatargate, European Parliament, corruption, bribery, Luca Visentini, Antonio Panzeri, Eva Kaili, Francesco Giorgi,

    Luca Visentini, charged with corruption, was dismissed this weekend from his post as general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation. He admitted having received nearly 50,000 euros in cash from the hands of Antonio Panzeri. The internal and external investigations in the trade union organizations he led are cruel for the Italian.

    Luca Visentini at the head of the global trade union dome, end clap. The general council of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has « decided that Luca Visentini no longer has his confidence as general secretary », she said in a statement on Saturday. An “extraordinary world congress” will be organized “as soon as possible in order to elect a new secretary general”, specifies the text. This « vote of confidence » about the Italian trade unionist, following his indictment for corruption at the beginning of December, turned into a severe disavowal: out of 70 voters, 57 voted against Luca Visentini, 12 for and one abstention.

    The name of Luca Visentini (54) appeared on December 9 in this “Qatargate”. During the police operation that led to the arrest of Antonio Panzeri and others, Mr. Visentini was deprived of two nights of freedom, before being released on a double charge for corruption and money laundering, awarded by the judge of instruction Claise. Charges he disputes.

    The investigators had proof – in particular thanks to microphones placed by State Security in the Schaerbeek apartment of Mr. Panzeri – of at least one handover of cash. In a hearing, Luca Visentini admitted having received less than 50,000 euros in cash from the prodigal hands of the founder of the non-profit association Fight Impunity, to finance his electoral campaign.

    Former boss of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Luca Visentini was indeed seeking the post of general secretary of the world organization, the ITUC. A dome that represents some 200 million workers worldwide. He will actually be elected to this position at a congress in Melbourne (Australia) on November 22, 2022. No time to savor this success: less than 20 days later, he was arrested by Belgian investigators.

    System failures
    His eviction this Saturday follows various reports from the ETUC and the ITUC, in particular an external audit of the European body, concluded on February 10, and that of the ITUC’s special commission of inquiry, delivered in early March. These two reports, which Le Soir obtained, are damning for Luca Visentini and point to systemic failures (in particular for the management of cash financing) on ​​the part of the two organizations.

    The investigations found the trace of 43,000 euros, distributed as follows: 10,000 euros deposited on September 21, 2022 with the CES (100 banknotes of 100 euros), presented as funds provided by the Italian union of Mr. Visentini – which is will turn out to be a lie. On November 10, the former secretary general added 3,000 euros in denominations of 20. On the side of the CSI, Luca Visentini entrusted 23,000 euros in cash to the number 2 of the organization, Owen Tudor, and to a treasurer. There remained 7,000 euros given by the former MEP – according to the confessions of MM. Panzeri and Visentini themselves – who had not “yet” been charged to election expenses at the time of the legal operation.

    The European Confederation notes in its report that the first payment of 10,000 euros took place before the cash transfer picked up by the microphones of State Security. Suggesting at least one more cash back. « It is simply unthinkable that a public figure, who moreover appears as an exposed figure in the European trade union movement, should receive substantial sums of money without a second thought », are indignant the rapporteurs of the external investigation. for the ETUC. The same criticize the Italian’s desire to continue to receive a salary from the ETUC at the end of 2022 when he had just obtained the supreme position at the level of the CSI. Not to mention that Luca Visentini “regularly used his position of power to achieve particularly high-end and expensive overnight stays as well as visits to exceptionally luxurious restaurants”. The listeners underline how Luca Visentini has “considerably damaged” the image of the European trade union movement.

    Made shortly before the eviction of this weekend, the report of the CSI is just as severe with Mr. Visentini. Without forgetting to castigate the organization itself, for having accepted with closed eyes so much cash coming, supposedly, from an NGO. On the other hand, the CSI report did not see any “pro-Qatar” or “pro-Morocco” effect following these cash deposits. The report also does not address the new accusations by the repentant Panzeri, recently revealed by Le Soir, Knack and La Repubblica, according to which 50,000 euros had been made available to the former Italian candidate for the post of general secretary of the CSI, Susanna Camusso. It was in 2018, still from Qatar, according to the « repentant » Panzeri. Ms. Camusso has sharply refuted any receipt of occult funds for her lost campaign against Sharan Burrow.


    #Qatargate #European_Parliament #Corruption #Bribery #Luca_Visentini #Antonio_Panzeri #Eva_Kaili #Francesco_Giorgi

  • Qatargate: world boss of trade unions removed from office

    Tags : International Trade Union Confederation, ITUC, European Parliament, corruption, Luca Visentini, Antonio Panzeri, Eva Kaili, Francesco Giorgi, Maroc_Qatargate, Marocgate, Morocco,

    The ITUC General Council (ITUC) has « decided that Luca Visentini no longer has his confidence as General Secretary », and an « Extraordinary World Congress » will be organized « as soon as possible with a view to electing a new secretary general,” the statement said.

    The Italian trade unionist Luca Visentini, implicated in the investigation for corruption in the European Parliament, was dismissed on Saturday from his post as general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the organization announced in a press release.

    The ITUC General Council (ITUC) has « decided that Luca Visentini no longer has his confidence as General Secretary », and an « Extraordinary World Congress » will be organized « as soon as possible with a view to electing a new secretary general,” the statement said.

    “The events of the past few months have considerably damaged the reputation of the ITUC. Important lessons have been learned (…) We are determined to protect the ITUC from any form of undue influence, and even from any suspicion of influence”, commented Akiko Gono, the president of the organization.

    The ITUC, which federates 338 unions in 168 countries and territories around the world, however, assures « that it has found no evidence of donations from Qatar or Morocco influencing its policies or programs ».

    Luca Visentini was arrested in December in the Belgian investigation into suspicions of corruption of MEPs involving Qatar and Morocco, then released on conditions after two days in police custody.

    The 54-year-old Italian admitted at the end of December to having received a cash payment « a donation of less than 50,000 euros » from the NGO Fight Impunity led by his compatriot, the former MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri, considered to be the one of the key suspects in the case.

    Mr. Visentini had however assured that this donation was not linked to any attempt at corruption or influence peddling for the benefit of Qatar, but was intended to reimburse certain costs generated by his campaign to take the head of the ITUC.

    He was elected in november at the head of the organization, before being suspended from his functions on December 21.


    #International_Trade_Union_Confederation #ITUC #Qatargate #European_Parliament #Corruption #Antonio_Panzeri #Eva_Kaili #Francesco_Giorgi

  • Late declarations, false observation missions, prolonged stays: anomalies in the travels of MEPs

    Tags : European Parliament, corruption, Antonio Panzeri, Eva Kaili, Francesco Giorgi, Qatargate, Marocgate, Morocco,

    Le Soir collected all the declarations of trips financed by a third party published on the official website of the European Parliament during the current legislature. 328 journeys could thus be analysed. And there are surprises.

    MEPs sitting in the European Parliament have an obligation to declare their trips which have been financed, in whole or in part, by a third party. Since the Qatargate affair, several such trips have resurfaced; MEPs who « forgot » to declare them within the time limit. We are thinking in particular of the Belgian socialists Marc Tarabella and Marie Arena, invited for two nights by Qatar, or of the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola (two nights in Israel).

    Following these late notifications, Le Soir decided to collect all the declarations published on the official site of the European Parliament, during the current legislature, by the 705 deputies who compose it. By compiling all the details that appear in these documents: destination, organization inviting, date of travel, declaration deadline, number of hotel nights offered, means of transport covered, reason for travel, etc.

    It appears from this data collection that by stopping the count on January 31, 2023, 328 trips were declared (by 140 current MEPs and 15 elected officials who renounced their mandate along the way). Le Soir then carried out an unprecedented analysis which allows, among other things, to objectify the most popular destinations, the impact of Qatargate on the number of documents returned, or the differences in travel practices between political groups.

    Two important things to keep in mind:

    1 – MEPs who have traveled without ever declaring it escape this census (and violate the Parliament’s code of conduct). It is not possible for us to quantify this phenomenon;

    2 – Official missions paid for by Parliament and personal travel paid for by the MEP himself (or by his party) do not fall within the scope of this file.

    A month in Venezuela for a Spanish elected representative, 47 hotel nights offered to a Green deputy, seven days in Russia for a 72-hour event, 89 notifications published after the deadline… The monthly number of declarations has exploded over the past two months, after the Qatargate revelations. Coincidence?

    ITravel advisories are pouring in on the European Parliament’s website. While between January and November 2022, there were, on average, four declarations per month, 104 notifications of this type were submitted for the months of December 2022 and January 2023 alone, according to an analysis carried out by Le Soir . It’s hard not to see a post-Qatargate effect, which erupted on December 9, especially since 66% of declarations for the last two months were returned outside the time limit, sometimes more than 1,000 days late.

    As a reminder, MEPs, if they accept an invitation to take part in an event organized by third parties with all or part of the costs covered by the inviting power, must indicate this. Both to parliamentary services, via a form (which fits on an A4 sheet) and to European citizens, via an online publication. At the latest by the end of the month following their return to the country.

    Le Soir has analyzed the 328 declarations published since the beginning of the European legislature. A list that is probably not exhaustive. The cases pinned below concern, in fact, the 140 current elected officials who declared, sometimes late, but declared trips nonetheless. Among the remaining 565 MEPs, who said nothing at all (i.e. more than 80% of the assembly), it is not excluded that some cheat by omission and remain, for the time being, under the radar.

    In the data compiled by Le Soir , we find…

    1. Frequent flyers

    Most of the MEPs who declare have only one trip to their credit (they are 90 in this case). But there are some backpackers (see infographics). The prize for declared trips goes to Reinhard Bütikofer, German MP. Twenty-two trips, since the start of the legislature – concentrated in twenty-four months, the covid having imposed a pause of some 18 months. Thirteen different countries, including Australia, Russia, China, India, the United States… Journeys which may be all the more surprising as the great traveler sits with the Greens. Admittedly, the person concerned concentrates his parliamentary work on foreign issues – he chairs the Delegation for relations with China, sits in that with the United States as well as in the Foreign Affairs Committee. But we don’t talk here missions officially carried out (and financed) by the assembly. Nor travel that elected officials would pay « out of pocket » – in reality, that of Parliament, since each MEP can benefit from the reimbursement of travel expenses incurred « for purposes other than official meetings, for example to attend a conference or make a working visit », up to 4,716 euros per year.

    Reinhard Bütikofer has accepted plane tickets (in business or economy, depending on the distance), and a total of 47 hotel nights offered. To take part in forums, conferences, meetings… The prize goes to this one-week trip to Australia, where he benefited from a “tailor-made program for special guests”. Asked by Le Soir about the record he holds, the deputy believes that it is “important to travel”. And if, within his political group, some have doubts about the very principle of accepting trips paid for by third parties, Reinhard Bütikofer specifies “judge on a case-by-case basis”.

    2. Latecomers

    In this ranking, Katarina Barley comes first. The German Socialist MP returned ten of her thirteen statements out of time. The fault, as we often hear in the bays, with rules insufficiently explained to the newcomers? The one who is both a novice and also vice-president of Parliament, recognizes the delays. “It was not clear to me whether invitations from universities, or media performances, especially on German public broadcasters, had to be declared. “Among the events declared by the elected official include talk shows, conferences, a “sports press ball”, often for only one night, most of the time in Germany… “I want to be as transparent as possible , so I decided to declare everything, ”she explains again. “Big productions, like the shows I mentioned, usually pay for travel and accommodation for their guests. It is in any case a usual procedure in Germany, and this applies to the whole set. »

    No question, on the other hand, for the socialist, to invoke a “tedious” procedure which would explain the delays. The idea also made Danuta Hübner, EPP parliamentarian and president of the advisory committee on the conduct of deputies jump. “It takes a few seconds for a parliamentarian to inform his assistant who, for his part, needs five minutes to fill in the form based on the detailed information that one receives when one accepts an invitation. In theory, latecomers face penalties. But none has been pronounced since the start of the legislative, for late (or even erroneous) travel declarations. According to the count established by Le Soir, more than one declaration out of four has however been published late (27.1%) since the beginning of the legislature. Some documents are also incomplete: six MEPs for example omitted to specify that the flight which had been offered to them operated in “business” class.

    3. Travelers from the strange

    Travel declarations, which are succinct, by definition only offer a limited view of the content of the mission. The inviting powers are often mentioned in one line, sometimes limpid (an organization, an administration or a known company, a State, an embassy), sometimes more obscure (foundations, associations, entities summarized in a few initials). The on-site program is, most of the time, not detailed either. Not to mention, of course, the influence on legislative work…

    Still, some trips can raise questions. Such as those of Radoslaw Sikorski, a Polish member of the EPP. Who has traveled, since 2019, twice to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and once to the United States, for meetings of the Sir Bani Yas Forum (an event led by the Emirates). « I am a member of their distinguished advisory board, which also includes a former Prime Minister of Australia, a former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom… », explains the person concerned. It should be noted that, as mentioned in his declarations of financial interests, the deputy is paid by this same Forum a little more than 90,000 euros per year – nothing prohibits the « second job » for parliamentarians, provided that they declare the emoluments.

    Radoslaw Sikorski further emphasizes that he attaches all programs to his « scrupulously completed » declarations, which include two literary festivals to which he was invited in Greece and the United Kingdom. In the United States, however, it will be pointed out that, according to Mr. Sikorski’s notification , the SBY Forum meeting lasted 1h30; however, the « Ministry of the United Arab Emirates » paid for the round trip flight in business and four nights in a hotel there.

    And the Pole is not the only one to make the pleasure last. In 15 statements identified by Le Soir , the number of hotel nights offered by the third party exceeded the duration of the event by at least 48 hours. The most flagrant case: seven nights at the Radisson in Moscow paid for by the “Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation” for the Slovak Miroslav Radacovsky. As the conference ran from September 14 to 16, 2021.

    4. Election « observers »

    An express round trip, a few days to observe an election abroad and submit a report: the practice is common among MEPs. And for good reason, the observation missions are considered as a guarantee of the EU for the validity of the results, especially when the elections are organized in territories where democracy is considered to be in danger, such as in Russia or in Uzbekistan.

    Encouraged by experts in the field, such as the EPDE (the European Platform for Democratic Elections), they are however closely scrutinized: « We welcome these missions provided that the elections are not illegal, as is the case referendums/elections organized in the occupied territories. And provided that the observers follow a clear methodology according to international standards, they tell us.

    And this is where the shoe pinches: some missions find themselves in the crosshairs of informed observers when they are accused of legitimizing polls that are not very respectful of democracy. Since 2015, the EPDE has singled out 27 MEPs who participated in these observation missions deemed dubious. Among them, a large number of far-right MEPs belonging to the Identity and Democracy (ID) group. In 2021, 11 MEPs were singled out by Parliament for their participation in these observation missions, often all expenses paid by the hosts. Eight of them, who went to Crimea or Kazakhstan, were banned for the rest of the year from carrying out election observation missions. The other three sanctioned MEPs, all from the extreme Left (Clare Daly, Mick Wallace and Manu Pineda).

    According to the analysis of the Evening, the Spaniard Manu Pineda spent no less than 22 nights in Venezuelan territory, offered by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela or the National Electoral Council (three trips, between December 2020 and March 2022). “Manu has never taken part in an electoral observation mission”, assures the communication manager of Izquierda Unida – Unitas Podemos. “He participated in an electoral monitoring mission, along with hundreds of other representatives from different countries. It’s not the same thing. And Manu was not sanctioned by Parliament. Simply, he was excluded from electoral missions, until the end of 2021 because some of his statements to the press were misinterpreted, as if he were speaking on behalf of the European Parliament. As for the frequency of trips to Venezuela.

    Following a trip offered by the Baku authorities, two elected officials (Engin Eroglu and Franc Bogovic) suddenly changed their discourse on Azerbaijan.

    VScritical of the Baku regime, MEPs Engin Eroglu (Germany, Renew group) and Franc Bogovic (Slovenia, EPP group) have significantly softened their position after an invitation trip to this former Soviet republic in September 2022, revealed the December 7 Swedish investigative site Blankspot .

    Previously, in March, the two men had passed a resolution condemning the destruction by Azerbaijan of an important Armenian heritage and deploring “a policy of Armenophobia, historical revisionism and hatred towards Armenians encouraged by the Azerbaijani authorities”. In the same logic, Mr. Eroglu had on September 14 reproached on social networksto the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, for not having denounced Baku’s authoritarian and warlike excesses in her State of the Union speech: « During her speech, Ursula von der Leyen clearly indicated that the EU fully supports Ukraine. I’m happy about that, of course! (…) What is however interesting, for me, is what was not discussed (…) A few words critical of Azerbaijan would also have been appropriate. Ruled since 1993 by the Aliyev family, this southern Caucasian republic has a score of 9 – between Belarus and Sudan – on Freedom House , an NGO that continuously assesses access to political rights and civil liberties in 210 country. And she is in 154th position(out of 180) in the 2022 ranking of Reporters Without Borders.

    Carpets and vineyards

    Is it to judge for themselves the relevance of these criticisms that the two MEPs, a few days after the criticism addressed to the President of the Commission, flew to Baku? Still, responding to an invitation from the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, they landed on September 21 at Heydar Aliyev International Airport. On the program of this four-day visit, it emerges from the declaration that they deposited three months later on the offices of Parliament, official meetings, interviews with local journalists, the presentation of a « smart village » , a guided walk through the capital, a visit to the Carpet Museum and then a visit to a vineyard.

    Official reason for this tour: the two MEPs are members of the RUMRA & Smart villages intergroup, which focuses on the development of rural regions. It is in this capacity that they delivered, from the Marriott hotel which accommodated them, a long interview on the state television CBC, calling for a strengthening of the links – in particular energy – between the Union and the ‘Azerbaijan. A desire for cooperation that Engin Eroglu reiterated less than two months later on his Facebook account to conclude a meeting with the Azerbaijani ambassador to Germany.

    « This trip has indeed been declared, the delay is due to an administrative error », comments Mr. Bogovic. “This mission was carried out in complete transparency (…), the only goal was to visit a smart village, which was built in just nine months. Mr. Bogovic denies having suddenly, on his return from this trip, changed his opinion on Azerbaijan. “This mission was in fact completely devoid of political motivation, it was also a precondition. His travel companion did not respond to our request for clarification.

    Along with India, the Jewish state is the preferred destination for European elected representatives. Three organizations primarily fund these visits, which promote Israeli interests.

    Who wouldn’t dream of nights in luxury hotels, with a helicopter flight as a bonus? Several MEPs were able to live this experience during a trip paid for by pro-Israeli lobbies. Le Soir has gone through more than 300 declarations of trips by European parliamentarians, at the invitation of a third party, to understand who is inviting them. And two destinations stand out: India and Israel. These two countries each appear in 30 declarations completed by European elected representatives. This corresponds to 117 nights offered in India and 115 in the Jewish state.

    Figures probably underestimated, because the accounting is based only on those who declared their trips. The corruption scandal in the European Parliament has sparked a rush for the declaration form. But it’s a safe bet that all the « omissions » have not been regularized.

    Two Belgians

    Among the guests in Israel, we find in particular the President of the Parliament Roberta Metsola, and two Belgian MEPs: Assita Kanko (N-VA, ECR) and Tom Vandenkendelaere (CD&V, EPP).

    In November 2021, MEP N-VA, member of the Human Rights sub-committee, flew (in economy class which she paid for with her own money, only the hotel was offered) for a  » working visit” at the invitation of the European Leadership Network. “During these five days, we met a lot of people: Jews as well as Arabs, members of the Knesset or people from the army, journalists, students…”, she specified on her Twitter account. To our knowledge, the trip did not include meetings with Palestinian officials or associations active in the West Bank. « My vision of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is based on several aspects and a visit to a country is only one of these elements », reacted Assita Kanko, who underlines having asked « critical questions » during her stay.

    Of the eleven elected officials participating in the same trip, only five declared it. Estonian Andrus Ansip (Renew), Sweden’s David Lega (PPE), Slovenia’s Ljudmila Novak (PPE), Bulgaria’s Elena Yoncheva (S&D) and Spaniards Juan Ignacio Zoido (PPE) and Isabel Benjumea (PPE) did not not complied with this obligation. During another visit in October and November 2022, at least four MEPs from the delegation « failed » to declare their trip, which included a visit to Efrat, an illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank, as well as a meeting with his mayor.

    The hyperactive Tom Vandenkendelaere, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, visited Israel in early November 2022, at the invitation of the American Jewish Committee (AJC). During the six-day visit, the Belgian made a short stop in the Palestinian city of Ramallah, to meet Palestinians there. In the wake of his trip, on November 13, he said in plenary session his support for the two-state solution, stinging in passing the historic enemy of Israel, Iran. Soon, he said, he will meet Palestinian officials and UNRWA, the branch of the UN dedicated to Palestinian refugees.

    When they are invited to visit Israel, MEPs are mainly invited by three organisations: the European Leadership Network (Elnet), the AJC Transatlantic Institute and B’nai B’rith. These lobbies, which generally provide the flight (in economy class) and the hotel (luxury) have in common to defend the Israeli point of view within the EU.

    Elnet is “dedicated to strengthening relations between Europe and Israel, based on democratic values ​​and shared strategic interests”. Founded in 2016, the European branch of this organization communicates extensively on the very regular trips offered to European officials. On their website, a video galvanizes the educational virtues of these trips. “If you manage to solve the problems in Jerusalem, you have your route to solve the problems for all of Israel,” promises one of the speakers. Belgian MEP Assita Kanko (N-VA, ECR) says in this video that she was « shocked to see how much patience people can put into hate », during a visit to Hezbollah facilities in northern Israel.

    The AJC Transatlantic Institute is the Brussels branch of the hyperactive American pro-Israel lobby American Jewish Committee. In his sights: defence, NATO and the Iranian threat. But also a desire « to improve the well-being of the Jewish people and Israel, and to advance human rights and democratic values ​​in the United States, Europe and around the world », assures his website. The Transatlantic Institute « is aimed at decision-makers across the political spectrum from all relevant European institutions and services, as well as NATO and diplomatic missions to the EU, think tanks, journalists and to other civil society actors. Twenty MEPs took part in his trips.

    “Support the Israeli government”

    For its part, the B’nai B’rith is a historic international organization which promotes, in particular, « Jewish culture », « intercultural and interreligious dialogue » and « (combat) anti-Semitism ». Through meetings and conferences, the Europe branch “promotes” the interests of the State of Israel with European institutions. According to the organization, “for Jews around the world, the State of Israel is a special place. The welfare of the country is central to Jewish life. Like any other legitimate state, Israel has the right to defend itself against any act of aggression that threatens its citizens,” develops its website .

    Are these three organizations in direct contact with the Israeli state? Neither the Israeli representation to the EU nor Elnet responded to our questions. AJC Transatlantic Institute and B’nai B’rith have indicated that they are independent. “Whether or not they are financed or organized by the Israeli state is only secondary, in my opinion,” judge Martin Konecny, director of the European Middle East Project think tank. “They have their own motivation to support the Israeli government no matter what it does. They are guided by their nationalist sentiment.

    Between the need to exist on the international scene and the feeling of feeling watched, the deputies of the ID group and the conservatives of ECR ​​apply themselves to declaring all their trips.

    VS’is to the right of the right that we travel… or that we declare the most. 25.4% of conservative MEPs from the ECR group (which includes, among others, the Poles from PiS and the Italians from Fratelli d’Italia) have already declared at least one trip, compared to 23.4% for far-right MEPs of the ID group (with the Vlaams Belang or the National Rally), who always meet the deadline. « These are globetrotters who need, more than the others, to restore their image internationally and to establish contacts », assures Jean-Yves Camus, connoisseur of the far right and co-founder of the Observatory. political radicalism.

    Among the most active hosts with conservative and far-right MEPs, India (17 declared invitations) and two organizations in particular: the International Institute for Non-Aligned Studies and the Women’s Economic and Social ThinkTank. The “Modi connection” of Brussels is taking shape. Behind these two think tanks, the shadow of a certain Madi Sharma, an Indian lobbyist based in Brussels who facilitated meetings with the Indian nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi. These MEPs became the first delegation of foreign dignitaries to visit Kashmir since the repeal of Article 370 (which revoked the region’s autonomy). Vlaams Belang MEP Tom Vandendriessche was there. This is his only declared trip, and the Belgians of the ID group are not on the move: his two other colleagues from Belang, Filip de Man and Gerolf Annemans (who tells us that he did not receive an invitation), n declared no trips.

    “More exemplary than the most exemplary”

    Another zealous host, Russia. Since the start of the mandate, ten invitations have been issued by Russia to far-right MEPs, then accepted and declared. In 2020, the elected officials attended, according to their declaration, an “election observation mission” in Crimea – now annexed – at the invitation of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation. The EPDE (the European Platform for Democratic Elections), which has extensively documented these sham observation missions organized by the Russian government, warns: « Russia’s independent experts and observers claim that this institution was created to produce “fake” observers in Russia, in an effort to silence criticism from legitimate observers. »

    Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, travel has obviously dried up. Let us note all the same a particularly badly named round table dating from mid-March 2021 – “Fight for peace” – which was attended by the French MEP for the National Rally Thierry Mariani, who is among the greatest travelers. Nicolas Sarkozy’s former minister spent 28 nights abroad on behalf of a third party (3 in India, 4 in Uzbekistan, 4 in Kazakhstan, 6 in Russia, 9 in Syria and 2 in Switzerland) and participated three times to these famous electoral observation missions. “He is in the crosshairs, he must declare”, judges the expert Jean-Yves Camus.

    And for good reason: the MEP, sanctioned in 2021 by the European Parliament alongside four other colleagues from the RN for an observation mission in Russia, knows he is being scrutinized. His trips to Syria, where Marine Le Pen’s party has forged ties with Bashar el-Assad’s regime, have also been singled out. « In our group there have been problems in the past [Marine Le Pen and three other former National Front MEPs have allegedly misused 620,000 euros of European public money, editor’s note] », recognizes Mariani. “The legislation is very clear: we declare and it’s transparent. It keeps us out of trouble. At the start of our term of office, there was a reminder within our group. When you are observed, you must be more exemplary than the most exemplary. »


    Qatargate #European_Parliament #Corruption #Antonio_Panzeri #Eva_Kaili #Francesco_Giorgi

  • Visit to Tindouf of the President of the EP Maghreb Delegation

    Tags : European Parliament, corruption, Antonio Panzeri, Eva Kaili, Francesco Giorgi, Qatargate, Marocgate, Morocco, DGED, Mohamed Bellahrach, Yassine Mansouri,

    Antonio Panzeri has been elected by Morocco to defend its interests in the European Parliament since at least 2011. According to him, since 2009. This is what emerges from a confidential note between the Moroccan Ambassador to the EU and his minister. Morocco wanted to get its hands on the 200 million per year that the EU, in the wave of the Arab Spring, was willing to give to the Maghreb countries.

    Antonio Panzeri, a former MEP under arrest since more than 3 months on charges of being the head of a criminal association dedicated to international corruption, had been chosen by Morocco to defend its interests in the European Parliament at least since 2011. This is what emerges from a correspondence confidential between the Moroccan ambassador to the European Union and the foreign minister in Rabat. «Subject: visit to Tindouf by the president of the Maghreb Delegation of the European Parliament, Antonio Panzeri».

    Tindouf is the Algerian city where the government in exile of the Arab Democratic Republic of Sahrawi, also called Western Sahara, is based. Since 1976, it has claimed sovereignty over a portion of Morocco, denouncing human rights violations. The cause is promoted worldwide by the Polisario Front, an independence movement that also manages the refugee camps in Tindouf.

    Morocco must avoid convictions that would have serious economic consequences, since, in the wake of the Arab Spring, the EU has decided to financially reward the most « bold » North African countries in terms of human rights and democracy. A lot that for Morocco is worth almost 200 million a year, the richest financing among the countries of the region.

    In this context, Panzeri’s journey is strategic.

    Confidential documents reveal that he was devilishly prepared in cahoots with Morocco. A few days after his departure, on 27 October 2011, the ambassador « informs » the minister that « on the sidelines of the plenary session of the European Parliament we had an informal conversation with Mr. Antonio Panzeri’s adviser, brought to the attention of the authorities Moroccans of a message from the latter ».

    The message is reassuring: Morocco has nothing to fear, «the visit to Tindouf is essential to support the credibility of Mr. Panzeri to Algeria and Polisario, given that he has been accused of being pro-Morocco. It is not in Morocco’s interest that Mr. Panzeri is perceived as such. Mr. Panzeri did everything possible to avoid the date of November 6, the anniversary of the 1975 decolonization Green March, considered a turning point for the Polisario Front.

    « November 7 is a reasonable compromise in the sense that visiting the camps in the context of a visit to Algeria is symbolic and a better option (for Morocco) than an ad hoc visit to the camps. »

    According to what his emissary told the Moroccans, «Panzeri expects not to mention the autonomy with the Polisario, nor to make any declarations in this sense during the visit.

    He has indicated that he will be content to listen to his interlocutors.’ And he outlined the strategic vision on the Rabat-Brussels axis: «There is a strong demand in the European Parliament regarding the Sahara question, regularly raised by the MEPs and much exploited by the pro-Polisarios, who put strong pressure (on the Socialist and democratic). The best way to manage these pressures is to contain them and channel them through Mr. Panzeri, who knows how to be a credible interlocutor for all parties».

    After reporting the content of «Panzeri’s message» to the minister, the Moroccan diplomat analyzes it: «At first sight it is reassuring. The interested party is very aware of the sensitivity of his visit to the Tindouf camps, and is making a significant effort to justify it and not permanently compromise contacts with Morocco. He seems to take seriously the recommendation not to go east of the defense settlement and promises to keep our Mission informed on the evolution of his program at Tindouf.’

    The document places the visit «in the extension of the methodical work begun by Mr.

    Panzeri after the first months following his election as head of the Maghreb delegation. His contacts with Polisario and with the Algerian authorities, the trust he was able to build with Moroccan interlocutors and above all the « constructive ambiguity » of his attitudes towards both are manifestations of a long-term political agenda, carried out voluntarily, sometimes dangerously, but always with tact and mastery. It is difficult not to see in it even a subliminal demonstration of « capacity to disturb », as it demonstrates how the interested party can be a weighty ally or an adversary to be feared».

    Finally, the diplomat made a flattering judgment: «Seen from this angle, recent developments show a continuity rarely observed in other MEPs in Panzeri’s political line. In this logic, there is reason to think that, far from being a communication operation, the visit to Tindouf is a tactical goal in his personal agenda ». Before the visit, Panzeri will pass through Rabat. The diplomat recommended « organizing meetings for a person in charge who could brief him on the Sahara question in an appropriate way and, if necessary, advance the messages he will receive during the stops in Algiers and Tindouf ». Thus was born, in 2011, the Panzeri-Morocco pact. Which paid off for eleven years. Until a week ago.


    With reference to the above-mentioned correspondence, I have the honour to inform you that, on the fringes of the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, this Mission had an informal meeting with the adviser of Mr. Pier Antonio Panzeri, who was the bearer of a message from the latter to the Moroccan authorities.

    The three main ideas of this message, as communicated, are as follows
    -The visit to Tindouf is necessary to consolidate Mr Panzeri’s credibility with Algeria and the Polisario, after the latter accused him of being pro-Moroccan. It is not in Morocco’s interest for Panzeri to be perceived as such. Panzeri did his best to avoid the date of 6 November. The date of the vissite (7 November) is a reasonable compromise, in that to visit the camps in the continuity of a visit to Algeria is symbolic in itself and is, in any case, a better option (for Morocco) than an ad hoc visit to the camps.

    -M. Mr Panzeri started his exchanges with the Algerian and Polisario leaders from the position of the JPC, which has always placed the Sahara issue in the framework of the advanced regionalisation theme. Nevertheless, Mr Panzeri does not intend to discuss autonomy with the Polisario, nor to make a statement in this sense during his visit. He indicated that he would only listen to his interlocutors.

    -There is a strong demand in the EP regarding the Sahara issue. This issue is regularly raised by MEPs and strongly exploited by the pro-Polisario side, which exerts a lot of pressure (especially within the S&D). The best way to manage this pressure is to corral it within the AFET framework, and to channel it through Mr Panzeri, who is able to be a credible interlocutor for all parties.

    At first sight, Mr Panzeri’s message is reassuring. He is well aware of the sensitivity of his visit to the Tindouf camps, and makes a significant effort to justify himself and not to jeopardise his entrances with Morocco in the long term. He seems to take seriously the recommendation not to visit the area east of the defence posture, and promises to keep the Mission informed of the progress of his programme in Tindouf.

    From a dynamic point of view, the recent developments are to be seen as an extension of the methodical work begun by Mr Paneri in the first few days following his election as head of the Maghreb Delegation (see M/F 033/2p/2011/CRU of 26/01/2011). His contacts with the Polisario (now crowned by the visit), his contacts with the Algerian authorities (including on the Sahara issue), the bridges of trust he has built with his Moroccan interlocutors (through the JPC and his valuable support to the EP) and, above all, the « constructive ambiguity » with which he has managed to surround his attitudes towards both sides, are the manifestations of a long-term political agenda, carried out voluntarily, at times in a perilous manner, but always with tact and control. It is difficult not to see in it, also, a subliminal demonstration of a « capacity for nuisance », so much so that it shows how much the person concerned can be a strong ally or a formidable adversary.

    Seen in this light, recent developments show a continuity in Mr Panzeri’s policy line that is rarely seen in other MEPs. In this logic, there is reason to believe that, far from being a communication operation, the visit to Tindouf is a tactical milestone in the personal agenda of the President of the D-MAG; an agenda that could be accelerated in the weeks and months to come.

    Indeed, Mr Panzeri envisages launching a « process » in the EP in which the Sahara issue would be the subject of a regular and institutionalised debate in the framework of the AFET Committee. At this stage he is not clear on the objective of such a « process ». In his exchanges both with this Mission and with the co-chair of the JPC, he is content to indicate that it is a question of establishing a dialogue on the Sahara issue, without specifying whether this dialogue has an objective (in his eyes), or whether it is an end in itself.

    All these reasons plead for a framing of Mr Panzer’s knowledge on the Sahara issue and of his intentions in the very short term. In this regard, it should be noted that, at the invitation of the Moroccan co-chair of the JPC, Mr Panzeri will be in Morocco from 28 October to 1 November 2011, on the eve of his visit to Algeria, which will also take him to Tindouf. This Mission recommends that the President of the D_MAG should have an interview (or more), with (an) official(s) able to brief him on the Sahara issue in an appropriate manner and, if need be, anticipate the message he will receive during the Algiers and Tindouf stages of what should be called his « tour of the parties concerned » by the Sahara issue.

    Ambassador Menouar Alem

    Qatargate #European_Parliament #Corruption #Antonio_Panzeri #Eva_Kaili #Francesco_Giorgi

    Moroccogate #DGED #Yassine_Mansouri #Mohamed_Bellahrach

  • Scandal in the EP: why were friendship groups abolished?

    Tags : European Parliament, corruption, Antonio Panzeri, Eva Kaili, Francesco Giorgi, Morocco, DGED, Moroccan secret services, Mohamed Bellahrach,

    By Benoît Collombat, Investigation Unit of Radio France, Pauline Hofmann, Le Soir

    The corruption scandal rocking the European Parliament has highlighted the ambiguous role played by friendship groups. With the Belgian newspaper Le soir, the investigation unit of Radio France examined the actions carried out by one of them.

    One of the first concrete effects of Qatar-Moroccogate was the abolition of friendship groups within the European Parliament . MEP (socialist passed to La République en Marche) from 2009 to 2019, Gilles Pargneaux chaired the European Union-Morocco friendship group during his two terms. His name resurfaced in the press , on the sidelines of this corruption scandal.  » He was not ashamed to present himself as personal adviser to His Majesty the King « , affirms the former Portuguese deputy Ana Gomès who rubbed shoulders with him within the socialist group.  » He was almost ambassador – without the title – of Morocco, and he was very proud of it « , confirms an elected French socialist.

    “ I never presented myself as His Majesty’s adviser ,” replies Gilles Pargneaux, who explains himself publicly for the first time since the affair broke out. “ I have never seen His Majesty King Mohamed VI. I never met him personally. I did not defend the interests of Morocco. I was the president of the European Union – Morocco friendship group… which was not an enmity group .”

    Links with a Moroccan lobbyist

    When we meet him in an opulent hotel in Lille, the man does not hide the personal link that unites him to Morocco: married to a Franco-Moroccan, he received in February 2013 the equivalent of the Moroccan Legion of Honor “ on the high instruction of His Majesty Mohammed VI ”. “ Morocco must have an increased presence ” in the European Parliament, he explained at the time . Leaked Moroccan diplomatic documents indicate that the Moroccan authorities appreciated his action and his positions. “ I’m delighted , replies Gilles Pargneaux.This means that, in the eyes of the Moroccans, we were doing a facilitator’s job which seemed efficient to them. This role was also highlighted by representatives of the European Union (EU) .”

    In 2017, Gilles Pargneaux also took part in a debate in the European Parliament, in the presence of Kaoutar Fall, the general manager of a Moroccan lobbying agency expelled seven months later by the Belgian authorities who consider her “ actively involved in activities of intelligence for the benefit of Morocco ”. “ I was taken in, in good faith ,” explains Gilles Pargneaux. “ She had asked me to sponsor her. I contacted the ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to the European institutions. He told me that there was no problem with her and that he himself would participate in her conference .

    A foundation and a lobbying firm at the same address

    In 2018, Gilles Pargneaux created the Euromeda Foundation , with the Moroccan Mohamed Cheikh Biadillah (elected to the House of Councilors in Morocco and president of the Morocco-European Union parliamentary friendship group) and the Frenchman Alain Berger from the lobbying firm Hill & Knowlton . “ We were recognized as being of public utility by royal decree in August 2018 and simply organized two meetings that year in connection with the Moroccan think tank Policy center for the New South ”, explains Gilles Pargneaux. “ I made an administrative error by putting Euromeda’s head office at the same address as Hill & Knowlton » , explains Alain Berger.  » I changed it after three months. We said to ourselves that there was a need for a foundation to improve the relationship between Africa and Europe with a particular Moroccan pivot. The purpose of this foundation was not to influence European politics, but to find aid projects in Africa with training programs, twinning, exchange of materials and the training of women imams. ”

    For the NGO Western Sahara Resource Watch (WSRW) based in Brussels, on the other hand, Euromeda is similar to a lobbying structure in favor of Morocco . “ The concept was supported by a number of Moroccan personalities ,” replies Alain Berger. “ But it was never encouraged by the Moroccan government .”  » It had nothing to do with the desire to be Morocco’s lobbyists « , also affirms Gilles Pargneaux, who specifies that  » since 2019, the Foundation has been put on hold  » for lack of financial partnerships.

    At the end of 2018, the Foundation was splashed by the forced resignation of French MEP Patricia Lalonde , author of a report on the trade agreement between the EU and Morocco. She had been criticized for her work deemed biased in favor of Rabat, after traveling to Morocco and Western Sahara in September 2018 with two other MEPs. “ The program for this mission was quite dubious” , testifies the Finnish MEP Heidi Hautala who was present on the spot.Morocco clearly wanted to show that the local population derives great benefits from trade agreements with the European Union. We were treated to a totally one-sided presentation of things. There was absolutely no question in our program of meeting the independent human rights organizations representing the Sahrawi people. When I wanted to meet some, the Moroccan police blocked it .”

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgEEurQA4ds&w=560&h=315]

    But above all, the press will reveal that while being a MEP, Patricia Lalonde was part of the board of directors of Euromeda.  » I did not know at the time that she had left with a delegation of deputies for the Sahara « , explains Gilles Pargneaux, specifying that the European Parliament’s ethics committee concluded that there was no violation of the code of conduct. “ Her report was good, but faced with pressure from members of the Sahrawi intergroup, she resigned. As president of the foundation, I was the victim of a cabal ,” laments the Renaissance MEP.

    Trips to luxury hotels

    Beyond the case of Patricia Lalonde, the former Portuguese socialist MEP Ana Gomès believes that certain trips at the time were also problematic. “ It seemed clear that they were not paid by Parliament ,” said Ana Gomès. “ These were trips that suited Morocco and included going to fantastic hotels. Several times, Gilles Pargneaux asked me why I didn’t come .

    “ I never proposed to Ms. Gomès to come as part of a friendship group trip. And I have always respected the rules laid down by the European Parliament ”, replies Gilles Pargneaux who says he wants to sue the former MEP. “ The trips were funded from our allowances and publicly reported. These were professional and political trips. No personal trips .” He adds: “ Of course, we were welcomed by the Moroccan authorities for accommodation. But we weren’t in five-star hotels . »

    This question of the financing of MEPs’ travel remains unresolved in Parliament since travel financed by third parties is always authorised… Provided it is declared. Speaker of Parliament Roberta Metsola, herself pinned down for an undeclared trip to Israel , is not yet proposing to fundamentally change the system, after denouncing ‘ an attack on European democracy ‘ when the scandal came to light of corruption concerning its vice-president, Eva Kaili. As for any gifts received by the Moroccan authorities, Gilles Pargneaux assures that he has in all and for all received “ four or five courtesy presents, less than 150 euros”, which is the legal limit set by the European Parliament.

    The former MEP now works for a consultancy firm in France (P&B Partners) and as a senior advisor at Hill & Knowlton which he says worked for Morocco twice ‘in 2011 and 2016 ‘ . . “ It is perhaps a token of recognition of my professional activity ”, comments the former MEP. “ The context of our mission was to redress the disastrous image of Morocco, after the attacks, with European and Belgian institutions. Our contract was made with the Moroccan ambassador to the EU. Then the Moroccan authorities decided to work with another agency ,” explains a source within Hill & Knowlton.


    Qatargate #Maroc #Marocgate #Parlement_Européen #Antonio_Panzeri #Francesco_Giorgi #EuromedA #Gilles_Pargneaux #Fight_Impunity #No_peace_no_Justice

  • Behind the Qatargate, the Moroccogate

    Tags : Morocco, Qatar, European Parliament, corruption, Antonio Panzeri, Eva Kaili, Francesco Giorgi,

    Suspicions of corruption in the European Parliament: By Benoît Collombat, Investigation Unit of Radio France, Pauline Hofmann

    Have Qatar and Morocco managed to buy the benevolence of several European parliamentarians? The investigation unit of Radio France and the Belgian newspaper Le Soir reveal behind the scenes of this scandal which is shaking European democracy.

    « Everything went well. We were passed off as VIPs!”

    « Have you seen the boxes? »

    “Yes, we have seen them. He added/put some products in the bags before leaving.”

    On June 4, 2022, Belgian intelligence agents did not lose a crumb of the very coded conversation they intercepted between the former Italian socialist MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri and his wife then traveling to Morocco. She has just met Abderrahim Atmoun there, now Morocco’s ambassador to Poland. And for the investigators, the « products » mentioned by the Panzeri wife would be money given by the Moroccan diplomat. Later, they will find 600,000 euros in cash at the Brussels home of Pier Antonio Panzeri and 17,000 euros at his home in Italy. “The money earned on behalf of Morocco is almost certainly transferred by cash envelopes transmitted by [Abderrahim, ndlr] Atmoun” , write in a note the Belgian secret services.

    “Mr. Atmoun brought back money from time to time, but not on a regular basis ,” explained a former collaborator of Pier Antonio Panzeri, Francesco Giorgi, in December 2022. “Mr. Atmoun came to Brussels or we went to his house, to his apartment, in Paris. When we went to look for money, we said that we were going to look for ties or suits” , specifies Francesco Giorgi.

    Moroccan counterintelligence suspected

    The Belgian security services were alerted in 2021 by five European intelligence services. Since then, they suspect the former MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri of being the kingpin of a vast network of interference and corruption operating within the European institutions. In July 2022, they transmit the result of their investigations to the Belgian federal prosecutor. The latter opens an investigation for corruption and money laundering in an organized gang which he entrusts to judge Michel Claise.

    For the Belgian intelligence services, “there exists within the European institutions, a network involving a lobbyist, several European parliamentarians and parliamentary assistants [who] work clandestinely in order to influence the decisions of the institutions of the European Union in favor of Morocco on the one hand and Qatar on the other.” This is what they write in a declassified note. They specify: “Considerable sums (several million euros) are paid clandestinely, in cash, by Morocco and Qatar.”

    At the heart of this network, “a team of three Italians” would have been particularly active. It consists first of Pier Antonio Panzeri. This key figure in the European Parliament chaired the delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries as well as the sub-committee on human rights. He also co-chaired the joint Morocco-European Union parliamentary committee. In this small group, we also find the Italian MEP Andrea Cozzolino, and the parliamentary attaché Francesco Giorgi (companion of the Greek vice-president of parliament Eva Kaili), who worked successively for one and for the other.

    “This team is led by an officer of the DGED [Moroccan counterintelligence] based in Rabat, Mohammed B., estimates Belgian intelligence. Known (…) since 2008 for interference activities in Belgium, he was also active in France, where he is being prosecuted for corruption of public officials because of the recruitment of a border police official. As revealed by the newspaper Liberation in 2017 , Mohammed B. had indeed been suspected of having bribed a French policeman (with money and trips) in order to obtain the identity of people “on file S” for the account of Morocco.

    An infiltration of parliamentary proceedings?

    But he wouldn’t have stopped there. “Mohammed B also obtained information on the trips to France by Algerian ministers, Algeria being the neighboring power and rival of Rabat, explains journalist Pierre Alonso, co-author of the investigation for Liberation. He was also able to discover thanks to his mole within the police what the French services knew about him. We are closer to a spy operation targeting France than to an action against terrorism.”

    Five years later, the same Moroccan agent would therefore find himself at the heart of the suspicions of interference aimed at the European institutions. For the Belgian investigators, “the cooperation between Cozzolino, Panzeri and Giorgi with the Moroccan intelligence services is beyond doubt. All take their orders mostly from Atmoun. They are also in direct contact with (…) the director general of the DGED [Moroccan intelligence, editor’s note]. (…) The team (…) operates with a discretion that goes beyond mere caution, avoiding appearing too openly pro-Moroccan in the European Parliament, using coded language and hiding cash in their apartment.” Still according to Belgian intelligence, the agreement with the DGED was formally concluded in 2019.

    The investigators are also wondering about a possible infiltration of parliamentary works likely to interest Morocco, in particular those concerning the use of the Pegasus software. “We have noted that [Andrea] Cozzolino would have been appointed to the Special Parliamentary Commission on the Pegasus program in January 2022 and [Eva] Kaili to the vice-presidency following the support of Pier Antonio Panzeri, Belgian police note on July 20, 2022 (…) Mr. Panzeri being suspected of working on behalf of Morocco, these appointments seem suspicious.”

    Morocco has always firmly denied having the slightest link with this corruption scandal around the European Parliament. Contacted, the French lawyer in Morocco and the Moroccan ambassador in Brussels did not respond to our requests.

    Western Sahara, a crucial issue

    Why would such a network have been set up with the European institutions by the Moroccan services?

    “The European Union is an entity of vital interest to Morocco, analyzes Belgian intelligence. She is his first business partner. The origin of the vast majority of its foreign investments and it hosts most of the Moroccan diaspora. The development of the kingdom, its energy security and its geopolitical ambitions (mainly the recognition of the ‘Moroccanness’ of Western Sahara annexed in 1975) depend, at least in part, on the goodwill of the European Union.

    Since 2008, Morocco has had a special status within the European institutions which allows it to benefit from a whole series of advantages without necessarily adhering to its institutions. In this context, the issue of Western Sahara, rich in phosphate and fish-rich waters, is an essential concern. This former Spanish colony annexed by Morocco, considered “non-autonomous” by the United Nations , is claimed by the Polisario Front supported by Algeria.

    “The objective of Moroccans is to ensure that we never talk about Western Sahara, believes the former secretary general of the NGO OXFAM-Belgium and former Belgian socialist senator, Pierre Galand, supporter of the independence of the Western Sahara. They want to impose the idea that Western Sahara is Moroccan, period. He says that during a lunch in the 1990s, a Moroccan journalist with whom he had sympathized would have tried to buy his silence. “He said to me: ‘You keep your convictions. But if you agree to stop talking about the Sahara, tell us how much the Algerians give you and we’ll pay you double.’ I told him to get the hell out of here immediately! And since then, I have never seen him again in Brussels” , says the ex-senator.

    More recently, the former French ecologist MEP José Bové had also accused the Moroccan Minister of Agriculture , now Prime Minister, of having tried to corrupt him in the 2000s, about a free trade agreement. -agricultural exchange. An accusation which earned him a defamation complaint filed in December 2022.

    For the Belgian intelligence services, the agreements relating to fishing and agriculture are crucial for Rabat. “As economic interests mix with political interests, Morocco systematically seeks to include Western Sahara in these agreements in order to be able to demonstrate a de facto recognition of its occupation, note the Belgian services. Obtaining support within the European apparatus is therefore of vital importance for Morocco, which does so through open (public diplomacy) and clandestine means. Antonio Panzeri, who is believed to have been active for Morocco ‘since at least 2014’according to the Belgian investigators, would therefore have understood it well. A French member of the Association of Friends of the People of Western Sahara who wishes to remain discreet, remembers the remarks made by Antonio Panzeri at the time. During a meeting in 2015 with an Italian activist from the association, then accompanied by a young Sahrawi, “he explained to her that trade with Morocco was something important, and that Sahrawis benefited from Moroccan actions . He congratulated the young Sahrawi for her struggle [for independence], while advising her to abandon it”.

    According to a leak of official Moroccan documents, as early as 2011 Antonio Panzeri seems to have been spotted by the Moroccan ambassador to the European Union in Brussels. He then considers him as “a credible interlocutor” showing “constructive ambiguity”. For the former Portuguese Socialist MP Ana Gomes, who worked alongside him for a long time in the European Parliament, “Antonio Panzeri was clever and intelligent. He hid his game. I saw him torpedo many initiatives and resolutions on human rights in Morocco using all sorts of arguments, opportunity and efficiency ».

    Illegal agreements

    A letter from Morocco’s ambassador to the European Union dated 2013 indicates that Antonio Panzeri would also have been invited to “raise awareness among Italian deputies for a positive vote on the fishing agreements” . But these trade agreements concluded between the European Union and Morocco, including Western Sahara, will come up against the decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union. She considers them illegal because they do not take into account the will of the Saharawi people. “Morocco then realized that traditional, official lobbying through consultants was no longer enough ,” said Mahjoub Mleiha, head of international relations at the Brussels-based Collective of Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders (Codesa).

    In January 2019, despite the position of the Court of Justice of the EU, the Parliament and the European Commission still decide to include Western Sahara in their trade agreement . The head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini then welcomed a “ new stage in the strategic partnership ” between the European Union and Morocco, while the French Commissioner for European Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, welcomed in a tweet an agreement which puts “ an end to a legal uncertainty harmful to all, in particular to the companies and inhabitants of Western Sahara ”.

    “The European Commission and the Member States have, in a way, worked against the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union, fulminates the Finnish Green MEP, Heidi Hautala, Vice-President of the European Parliament. The way this deal was crafted was completely biased and misleading.”

    For Pierre Moscovici, now President of the Court of Auditors: “There was no Moroccan interference, even if Moroccans obviously defended their interests… This solution was the right one since it made it possible to create jobs in an area that was singularly devoid of them.” And yet, in September 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union will once again invalidate these agreements . The Council of the EU and the European Commission have appealed .

    When socialists support the far right

    Beyond the trade agreements concluded with Morocco, Belgian investigators are also wondering about the nomination of certain candidates for the 2021 Sakharov Prize , the European equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize, awarded that year to the opponent Russian Alexei Navalny. Surprisingly, the European Socialists preferred to support in the final selection of the Sakharov Prize the candidacy proposed by the far right (ex-Bolivian President Jeanine Añez, imprisoned for her involvement in the coup that overthrew her predecessor Evo Morales). Faced with this candidacy, the one sponsored by the group of the Greens and the Left: Sultana Khaya, a Sahrawi activist under house arrest for 18 months, and who accuses the Moroccan police of having raped her.

    « Former Croatian Socialist Minister, MEP Tonino Picula, sent an ‘urgent’ email to all Socialist MEPs asking them to support the far-right candidate », says Spanish journalist Ignacio Cembrero specialist from Morocco who revealed the episode. “He explains that it is not a personal initiative and that he speaks on behalf of the Portuguese vice-president of the socialist group in the European Parliament, continues the journalist. This episode illustrates to what extent Morocco has always been the spoiled child of the European Parliament.”

    “We do not touch Qatar!”

    In addition to Antonio Panzeri’s alleged action in favor of Morocco, the Belgian investigators meticulously documented some of his interventions in favor of Qatar. “Qatar’s objectives are different from those of Morocco, analyzes Belgian intelligence. Where the latter tries to obtain influence within the European apparatus to sway decisions in his favour, the Qatari sponsor seeks to improve the image of Qatar in terms of workers’ rights, nothing more. This image was particularly tarnished by reports denouncing the abuses on the construction sites of the stadiums of the 2022 football world cup.

    To do this, Antonio Panzeri does not skimp on the means. In particular, he will become the real conductor of the intervention of the Qatari Minister of Labor, Ali Bin Samikh Al Marri , on November 14, 2022, before the Parliament’s human rights sub-committee , chaired by one of his relatives. Mary Arena .

    “We had prepared the hearing of the minister , recognizes Francesco Giorgi on the minutes. Mister Panzeri wrote it. He highlighted the reforms undertaken by Qatar and questioned the fact of attacking him when it was the only Gulf country to show some openness. But it does not stop there. “Mr. Panzeri thought that it could be useful if questions could be prepared in advance, adds Francesco Giorgi. Because the part devoted to questions and answers in the debate is the most difficult.” In other words: certain questions publicly posed to the minister seem to have been guided by Antonio Panzeri.

    The investigators are also interested in the Belgian deputy, Marc Tarabella. When he spoke that day in front of his colleagues, facing the Qatari minister, he said: “I did not hear [many colleagues] when [the World Cup] was awarded to Russia, which had already invaded the Donbass in 2014 and 2018. There were not all these debates when we attributed the Winter Olympics to Sochi or Beijing [Beijing]. I have the impression that many are focusing on an image from 10 years ago, as if there had been no evolution in Qatar. Telephone tapping will show later that it was Antonio Panzeri who asked that Marc Tarabella be suggested to make this intervention.

    Once arrested, Antonio Panzeri will accuse Marc Tarabella of having received between 120,000 and 140,000 euros between 2019 and 2022, which the latter firmly denies. According to France Insoumise MEP Manon Aubry, who denounced Qatar’s lobbying in Parliament before the scandal broke , Marc Tarabella was among the MPs who told her: « ‘Why are you obsessing over this question ? Qatar has made tremendous progress in human rights.’ There was a clear resistance that was almost epidermal. We are not touching Qatar!” , assures the MEP.

    Cash bags

    To understand how we got there, we have to go back to October 2022, in a suite at the Steigenberger Wiltcher’s, a Brussels palace. The Minister of Labor enters there with a Qatari delegation before being joined by Antonio Panzeri and Francesco Giorgi. By analyzing the video surveillance images of the hotel, a detail attracts the attention of the investigators. As they leave the suite, “the bag Antonio Panzeri is carrying seems thicker than when he arrived. “The Belgian police have little doubt about its contents: cash. “As for Morocco, Panzeri and Giorgi share the work and the remuneration 50-50” , notes the Belgian intelligence.

    Asked about the minutes in December 2022, Francesco Giorgi explains how he received the money. “I was put in contact with a person in Turkey. She gave me a phone number that I had to contact in Belgium to receive the funds. It was a different person each time. I always erased the number so as not to keep any traces. This happened two or three times a year, maximum.”

    “Panzeri and Giorgi have been working for Qatar since 2018, believe the investigators, on a mode of operation similar to that used for Morocco. It is a work of interference, involving legitimate lobbyists, press articles, but also the co-optation of MEPs, assistants and officials of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and within the European and global trade union confederations to get positive reports towards Qatar and to try to place knowledgeable people in the right parliamentary committees.”
    In 2022, Antonio Panzeri would have given 50,000 euros to the new general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, Luca Visentini, indicted and then released under conditions . Qatar has always denied any corruption in this case.

    A strange NGO

    For Belgian investigators, some NGOs of convenience could have served as channels to collect cash paid by Qatar. At the end of his mandate as an MEP, in 2019, Antonio Panzeri indeed created an association for the defense of human rights called Fight Impunity . An organization not registered in the transparency register, whose activity is questionable.

    She caught the attention of the President of the International Federation of Journalists, Dominique Pradalié, during a symposium devoted to media freedom and the protection of journalists in December 2022, in partnership with UNESCO, the research service of the European Parliament and the Jean Monnet House. “Panzeri and the other speakers knew absolutely nothing about the subject, remembers Dominique Pradalié.I found it more and more strange. In the evening, an official dinner was planned in a Parisian restaurant. I had been sent the menu: gravlax salmon, crunchy vegetables, pearl veal jus, lemon cream, crispy chocolate… I declined. We really didn’t understand what we were doing there. On the other hand, I received three reimbursement sheets: that worked!”

    Based on his contacts within the European institutions, Antonio Panzeri had succeeded in convincing several personalities to appear on the honorary committee of his NGO . Among them: the former Italian European Commissioner, Emma Bonino, the Congolese Nobel Peace Prize winner Denis Mukwege, the former High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, but also the former French Prime Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve.

    Contacted, the latter explains that he was approached three years ago by the entourage of Antonio Panzeri. “I have never met them and have not taken part in any colloquium. They used my name and that of committed and completely honorable people to carry out an unacceptable business: this is called breach of trust” , denounces today Bernard Cazeneuve who says he wants to file a complaint. For his part, the former Greek European commissioner Dimítris Avramópoulos admits having received money (60,000 euros for one year) to promote Fight Impunity. After obtaining a repentant status with the Belgian justice in exchange for a more lenient sentence, Antonio Panzeri began to confide in the investigators.
    He claims to have received a total of at least 2.6 million euros in cash, mainly from Qatar. In addition to gifts and trips, Morocco would have paid him (and Francesco Giorgi) at least 180,000 euros while a third country, Mauritania, would have given them at least 200,000 euros in cash. Under house arrest in Italy pending extradition to Belgium, Italian MP Andrea Cozzolino denies any corruption. The lawyer of the Belgian deputy Marc Tarabella affirms that the latter has never received money or gifts to monetize his opinions.


    #Qatargate #Maroc #Moroccogate #Parlement_Européen #Antonio_Panzeri #Francesco_Giorgi

  • Dirty time

    Tags : Morocco, Moroccogate, European Parliament, Bribery, corruption, Christian Cambon,

    Dirty time for the Moroccan regime, the latter no longer makes people cry. On the contrary, day after day, more and more voices are being raised to condemn its unacceptable actions and violations. The time when the corrupt regime in Rabat could afford to trample on the law now seems to be well and truly over. To this effect, the French newspaper L’Humanité published an article on the Makhzen’s policy of influence in the heart of European institutions, particularly in the French Senate, where some senators are privileged targets of the regime. This is the case of Christian Cambon, president of the France-Morocco friendship group in the French Senate, who systematically aligns himself with Rabat’s positions, even if it means denouncing a European resolution against violations of press freedom, writes L’Humanité in an article published under the title: « Sous les ors du Sénat, les amitiés marocaines de Christian Cambon ».

    According to the same newspaper, the approach of the senator « Les Républicains » from Val-de-Marne is not very surprising if one knows the close ties that the Alawite kingdom maintains with him. Practically at the same time, it was the Italian public television station RAI3 that exposed, among other things, Rabat’s colonialist policy. This was done by broadcasting a report on the corruption affair in the European Parliament (EP), shedding light on the interference and espionage manoeuvres of the Makhzen with corrupt MEPs, as well as on the crimes of the Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara.

    The report, entitled « Europe for sale », presented through the programme « PresaDiretta », evoked the central theme of this investigation carried out by the Belgian Federal Prosecutor’s Office since last December, namely the illegal practices that Morocco has resorted to in order to circumvent and avoid any resolution that does not go in its direction, especially with regard to the occupation of Western Sahara.

    Illustrating with images of confidential documents revealed to the general public, the journalist said that a note from Morocco’s mission to the European Union (EU) leaked in 2014, alerted its foreign ministry to the possible tabling of malicious amendments by opponents before the EP’s adoption of reports on torture, human rights and the EU’s trade relations with Mediterranean countries.

    Now we know what was behind the opposition of some members of the European Commission and Council to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling on Western Sahara’s natural resources – bribes!

    #Marocgate #Maroc #Qatargate #European_Parliament #Bribery #Corruption #christian_cambon

  • Qatargate, investigation in Milan on the 300,000 euro ended up in Italy

    Tags : European Parliament, Moroccogate, corruption, bribery, Antonio Panzeri, Eva Kaili, Francesco Giorgi,

    Qatargate, investigation in Milan on the 300,000 euro ended up in Italy. Tarabella and Kaili remain in prison

    The Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Italian Financial Police on the trail of Doha money that left London and Turkey

    To whom did the more than three hundred thousand euro that left England and Turkey and arrived in Italy end up in the coffers of Equality, set up by Antonio Panzeri? The investigations of the Milan Finance Police are following the traces left by this substantial and suspicious flow of money and the hypothesis of a system created to recycle and turn over in the country the bribes received by the former MEP arrested in Belgium. On Friday, Milan’s assistant public prosecutor, Fabio De Pasquale, opened an independent file for money laundering, entering two of Equality’s last partners in the register of suspects.

    The life of the company set up in Opera (Milan) by the Panzeri family’s accountant Monica Bellini, who is under house arrest following the arrest requested by the Brussels judiciary in the investigation into the bribes received by Antonio Panzeri and his ‘partner’ Francesco Giorgi to bribe members of the European assembly in the shadow of the NGO Fight impunity in favour of Qatar, Morocco and Mauritania, is short-lived but intense.

    Partners Bellini (5%), Giorgi’s father and brother, Luciano (70%) and Stefano (20%), Equality Consultancy was founded in December 2018 to close in June 2021 after a running change of the corporate structure with the exit of the Giorgi family and the entry of Manfred Forte and Dario Vittorio Scola. The last two are the people under investigation by the prosecutor De Paquale, while Bellini is under house arrest at her home in Opera as part of the Brussels investigation.

    Equality’s corporate purpose, among other things, is to ‘develop networks between different actors, NGOs, business organisations and counterparts in third countries’. The first balance sheet closed in 2019 with €240,000 in revenue and €102,000 in profit, the one for the following year with €75,000 in revenue and a loss of €51,000: so a total of just over €300,000 that would have been invoiced, according to the investigation, to three English companies and a Turkish one. The money laundering investigation to be opened by Milan’s Deputy Prosecutor Fabio De Pasquale will work on this.

    The latter has received a report from the men of the judicial police section of the Fiamme Giorgi with whom he will investigate the Italian aspects of the Brussels investigation that led on 9 December to the arrest of, among others, Panzeri, Giorgi and the latter’s partner, the former vice-president of the European Parliament Eva Kaili.

    It was Giorgi who revealed Equality’s function to Belgian judge Michel Claise when he put on record that, instead of continuing to receive the cash from Qatar, Panzeri ‘thought it was preferable to create a structure’ through which ‘to manage the flow of money in a legal way’. He turned to Bellini who, Claise notes, thus ‘played an important role in the repatriation of the cash’. Equality ‘provided services to a company based in England’ which, Giorgi says, was referred to by a certain ‘Palestinian’ and referred to a certain ‘Hakan’. Giorgi, who was the only one who spoke English, kept contact between Hakan, Bellini, Panzeri and his daughter Silvia, who ‘prepared the documents as a lawyer’. After deciding to cooperate with the Belgian judiciary, Panzeri admitted that he and Giorgi received 2.6 million from Qatar, Morocco and Mauritania.

    Meanwhile, the Belgian-Italian MEP Marc Tarabella, arrested in Brussels in the Qatargate investigation, remains in prison. The Brussels Council Chamber decided to extend his detention by another month. « We will continue to fight to get an innocent man out of prison because, let’s remember it, Marc Tarabella is innocent and has never received money or gifts in exchange for his opinion, » say the MEP’s lawyers. While Eva Kaili, the former Vice-President of the EU Parliament, will remain in prison for another two months.


    #Qatargate #Moroccogate #European_Parliament #Corruption #Bribery #Antonio_Panzeri #Eva_Kaili #Francesco_Giorgi #Andrea_Cozzolino #Marc_Tarabella