Étiquette : United States

  • The announced end of Western hegemony

    Tags: Ukraine, Russia, China, United States, Europe, France, Emmanuel Macron, ammunition,

    by Djamel Labidi

    In the few months since the start of the war in Ukraine, the world has changed. Admittedly, the changes accumulated slowly, before they appeared all at once, under the thrusts given by Russia to the old world order and Western hegemony.

    Whatever happens, whether or not we agree with Russia’s action in Ukraine, the world will never be the same again. All the opposing camps agree to recognize this, the leaders of the Western world as well as those of the rest of the world.

    The West is naked

    Thanks to the war in Ukraine, the peoples of the world are discovering, flabbergasted, that the West is, militarily, naked. He does not have enough weapons to give to the Ukrainian regime. It has no stocks of light or heavy ammunition to oppose to a Russia which has a powerful war industry and which massively produces this ammunition as well as very varied armaments. It was the French general Thierry Bukhard who warned, recently, on February 26, in an interview with the French weekly “Le journal du dimanche”, against the shortage of ammunition in Western countries. The Financial Times reports that the German army’s arms stocks would be sufficient for only a few days, while the German Chief of Staff simply states that he has no army. . A large part of the “Leopard” tanks are broken down due to lack of maintenance. This is also the case for those purchased by European countries.

    In fact, all European armies are destitute and incapable of facing a high intensity war. This partly explains, alongside the fear of escalation, the procrastination in supplying arms to Ukraine. President Macron and his predecessors tried to mask, through contradictory declarations, the shortage of French weapons as soon as it was necessary to deprive themselves, in pain, for the benefit of Ukraine of guns and tanks, in reduced numbers , owned by France.

    Even the United States is struggling to supply the Ukrainian armed forces with ammunition. They went so far as to ask Israel and South Korea to supply them from their stockpiles of American weapons, while accusing the Russians of supplying them from North Korea. Do as I say and don’t do as I do.

    Western countries no longer have the same military status. Today, for example, when a delegation from the UK Ministry of Defense arrives in Algeria, as recently, the event is now trivial and goes virtually unnoticed. And when military delegations go to France to meet with their counterparts, we bet they must realize that the French army does not have much to offer to face a high intensity war. Times have changed.

    The Decline of Economic Hegemony

    No the West is no longer the same. Economically, China competes with the United States for the first place in the world economy. If we evaluate their reciprocal GDP in nominal dollars, China is still second, but if we evaluate it in purchasing power parity (PPP), it is already far ahead of the United States. The countries currently constituting the BRICS will represent, in 2030, 50% of the world’s GDP, not to mention those who will join them.

    Currently, Western propaganda tries to reassure itself by saying that Russia has a GDP of the order of that of Spain, but how then to explain its considerable military power and that it can face all the Western States. We must take into account here again the real economy and the production of material wealth. Moreover, in terms of GDP by purchasing power parity, Russia is the world’s sixth largest economy. In this new order that is taking shape, the new prospects for cooperation with and between the rest of the world, India, China, Russia, Brazil, Iran, Asia, Africa, Latin America now seem limitless. The dollar begins to lose its supremacy and with it the dictatorship of the Western financial system.

    The United States says that the war in Ukraine has united Europe and NATO. It’s wrong. It is exactly the opposite, at least in the medium and long term. The truth is that this war revealed and reinforced the total domination of the United States over Europe, the crushing of it by an extra-European power. It showed a Europe subject to the predominance of American interests. It is also one of the significant elements of the end, in perspective, of Western hegemony. That the United States manages to destroy, as the whole world suspects them, the Nord Stream gas pipeline, to definitively put an end to the supply of energy by this gas pipeline to Germany, one of their main allies, then that they impose on their ally prohibitive energy costs, which they thus weaken, without qualms, its economy, and that of other European States, for the sole benefit of theirs, this cannot be endured in the long term and can only leave traces. This is one of the aspects of the disarray and irresponsibility of American leaders in the context of the end of their unchallenged reign. If their responsibility is confirmed, they would thus have committed an act of extreme gravity, an act of sabotage, an act of international terrorism. It is surprising not to see this stressed enough in the West, and in the first place by the German leaders. Are they afraid of Americans? The Americans have thus opened Pandora’s box, at the risk of a situation of generalized chaos, where everyone would consider themselves entitled to destroy the gas pipelines and oil pipelines, the adversary’s submarine cables, telephone cables, cables internet communications, information highways. It seems, with the danger of a nuclear war, the most worrying event for the future.

    The Media

    One of the most obvious signs of the decline of Western hegemony is the degradation of communication and information ethics in many Western media. The evolution had begun in previous decades, at the same time as the United States asserted its unchallenged domination over the world. With the Ukrainian conflict, it has worsened terribly.

    Information is just propaganda. And the propaganda is brutal, coarse, caricatural, without nuance, and above all terribly aggressive. TV hosts, editorial writers, journalists, will give you without flinching, for the Russian losses, figures so enormous that they would suppose the disappearance of the Russian army. We insist that « Putin is lying », without saying about what and when he did not do what he said, We will carefully, regularly, revive the theme of Putin’s judgment when we know very well makes no sense. But the main thing is not there, it is a question of devaluing it and with it Russia, by seeking to inferiorize the country by implying that it is likely to be defeated and submitted, like the West. did for other countries.

    Astronomical figures are put forward for Putin’s personal fortune, with no proof being offered except for some bizarre videos of President Putin’s alleged properties, like glossy hotel flyers. Only the comment in Off says that this belongs to him. But what the hell would he do with a fortune he cannot enjoy given his visibility, his overwhelming responsibilities and his presence on all fronts. Coincidentally, the figures of his fortune put forward are around 300 billion dollars, exactly the amount of Russian state funds frozen by the United States and other European countries and which they would like to appropriate, and of which the he European Union and President Zelensky are loudly calling for the allocation to Ukraine “for its reconstruction”.

    We remember that the same techniques and the same themes had been used against Presidents Saddam and Kadhafi. Despite the difference in size and power of the adversary, this time Russia, we recycle them. Unawareness of the balance of power, delirium, or the desire to diminish the adversary? It all sounds like deja vu, deja vu. Similarly, the United States and its allies insisted that Saddam and Gaddafi were lying when they accepted UN terms and that supporters of the intervention feared that this would prevent it. In the same way, the theme of their trial was constantly evoked. In the same way astronomical figures of their personal fortune were given and which again strangely corresponded to the funds of the frozen Iraqi and Libyan states in the United States and elsewhere in the West. So when the peoples of the world remind the West of these conflicts about Ukraine, they don’t stray from the subject as Western leaders tell them with annoyance. The people are not mistaken. They simply indicate that the past explains the present, and that there is, there, the continuity of the same conflict, that led by the West to maintain its world hegemony. The people are not mistaken. They simply indicate that the past explains the present, and that there is, there, the continuity of the same conflict, that led by the West to maintain its world hegemony. The people are not mistaken. They simply indicate that the past explains the present, and that there is, there, the continuity of the same conflict, that led by the West to maintain its world hegemony.

    The worst horrors

    On the sets the worst horrors are told about Russia, without any restraint. Journalists spoke impassively of the 200,000 to 700,000 Ukrainian children deported to Russia, children “four years old! “raped. The only thing that hasn’t been said (yet?) is that the Russians are… cannibals.

    Western television sets have become places where we gossip, where we fantasize. Coherence, logic, likelihood do not matter, the imagination is limitless, we are faced with information as a whole, entirely conspiratorial. But there are sometimes hiccups, moments when the truth suddenly emerges, quite involuntarily. It was this French general, General Nicolas Richoux, who exclaimed, annoyed by certain reservations made in the United States by the Republican party on the financing of the war in Ukraine: « The American army is in the process of pay the Russian army for 5% of its budget (40 billion dollars out of 800 billion, NB), anyway! Who could be against such a result in the United States! (LCI news channel, January 7, 2023)

    To explain Putin’s great popularity among his people, the entire Western organic intelligentsia, academics, editorialists, civilian and military analysts obviously linked to pharmacies and other services, come to say that it is the spirit of Russian submission, characteristics of the Slavic soul. The Russian “political exiles”, of which each plateau wants to have a representative, are asked to confirm. They do it with alacrity. They even add more. Here, as elsewhere, throughout centuries of hegemony, the West has always produced this type of Westernist elites and the self-hatred they carry. This is proof that the Western ideology has functioned everywhere as a dominant ideology.

    « The True Lie »

    The Americans continue to spread throughout the West their new information techniques, those of the theory of the « true lie » (1), by virtue of which it is considered that « lies can be useful », when they can prevent a bad event. Thus China was accused of having the « intent » (emphasis the word) to supply arms to Russia and the United States said it was « convinced » (emphasis again) that the China provides satellite information to Wagner. Based on these conceptions of a virtual or potential truth, conclusions, predictions of a simple analysis, or simple hypotheses could be considered as information since they « could take place ». Listen carefully to the propaganda, and you will see that it is, for the most part.

    Where is the time of the major Western news organizations that served as a benchmark for their objectivity of facts, even in times of war. They diffused the Western influence among Westernized elites seduced by a freedom of tone and a quality of debates which existed little in their country.

    On the question of information, the West, and especially the Americans, are making a strategic error: that the media can do anything, and that it is simply a question of seizing the minds of the people. In this they are mistaken. Facts are stubborn. Opinion cannot be fabricated, and even less so against a nation’s own interests. The opinion of the rest of the world on the West is proof of this. It is hostile to the West despite the considerable effort of Western propaganda aimed at it. If in Western countries, this propaganda has an impact it is that many, in the population, still believe to find their interests, a benefit and privileges on other peoples through Western hegemony. But even there, many, more and more.


    In fact the West is in disarray. He has isolated himself, or more exactly he continues, blind, to isolate himself from the rest of the world. Even the terms he now uses reveal this isolation. He no longer speaks, or very rarely, of the international community. He no longer sees the world. The West is increasingly alone. The West unites with the West, and it applauds itself. President Zelensky’s last tour of the parliaments of the United States, the United Kingdom, Brussels, the European parliament, is a striking image of this. People rushed to take a photo with President Zelensky, people frantically applauded the toreador, the gladiator, while Ukrainians and Russians killed each other in Bakhmut.

    The West is shrinking more and more in on itself, without realizing it. . It no longer associates other countries of the world with its destiny. When he speaks of himself, he says the West outright, and sometimes even simply NATO. He makes a good separation between himself and the other nations of the world. He says he is crudely defending his interests. He sometimes adds, as the Ukrainian leaders do, the « civilized world », to distinguish it well from « barbarians », outbidding neophytes.

    The West is worried

    Today the West is worried. He watches every day for the slightest sign of divergence or estrangement between China and Russia, or of revolt in these countries. He shoots down…weather balloons.

    We are far from the great era of a West confident in itself, sure of itself, from the great era of Western ideology, where the West thought of itself as the world, where it claimed freedom, democracy, liberalism, where he was convinced of the power of the values ​​he proclaimed to solve all human problems.

    He made his own totems fall today. It has attacked the sacrosanct principle of private property by stealing the money entrusted to its banks by sovereign states and by confiscating the property of people for the sole reason that they are citizens of a foreign country. with which they nevertheless declare that they are not belligerent. He himself attacked his sacrosanct rule of « free and fair competition », cynically trampling it underfoot to suit his interests. He thus attacked the principle of freedom of expression and competition in matters of information, by prohibiting, from the start of the war in Ukraine, alternative means of information, and in particular the Russian media, that it once had the reputation that « it did not act like totalitarian states ». He is even thinking of supervising social networks. He attacked the principle of freedom of trade and economic exchanges, giving himself the sovereign right, outside of any decision of international law, to economically sanction countries and peoples, to prohibit ports and airports to their ships and their planes. In short, he himself denied all the values ​​that he said he wanted to spread in the world, and in the name of which he justified his armed interventions.

    Another sign of decline is that the West is no longer producing great leaders. Heads of State or Government like Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Boris Johnson, Ms Liz Truss, etc. .obviously don’t have the stature of a Xi Jining, a Vladimir Putin, a Narendra Modi or an Erdogan, whatever one may feel about them. In Ukraine, it is an actor who has been deemed the most suitable for this role of head of state.

    The ruling elites of the West are out of a universalist project, a new vision of the future of the world. This vision is now found in the opposing camp, that of a world rid of all forms of hegemony, of a world freed from the dictatorship of the dollar and the blackmail of economic sanctions, a world of nations with equal rights, where the Sovereignty is the guarantee of mutual respect as well as the freedom of citizens, in short a world where international democracy allows the development of national democracy.

    The incessant Western references to democracy, freedom and human rights now appear as empty slogans, not very credible, a broken record that the non-Western world welcomes with a gaze that is both polite and doubtful. They are no longer successful except in Westernist minorities who subsist here and there. Although the West has pampered these elites, giving media coverage to their most loyal intellectual representatives, they no longer have any other function than to reassure them, thus blinding them to the new realities of the world.

    Another symptom of a chilly West, which closes in on itself, is this panicky fear of emigration. We are far from this serene West which demanded in Helsinki in 1975 the end of the « Iron Curtain », the opening of borders and the free movement of people. We are also a long way from the period when the Bushes could bring together 35 states, in the name of democracy, to attack Iraq.

    We are obviously living today in a period of profound historical change, perhaps the greatest that has occurred in the modern period. These periods of mutation, of transformation are the most dangerous. The end of Western hegemony would only be justice. It would be beneficial for everyone, including Western peoples whose relations would be normalized with other peoples.

    But we should not rejoice too much for the moment of this historical development. History has taught us how dangerous forces in decline are because they perceive it as a tragedy, as their end. Can humanity achieve this turning point without sinking into a global confrontation? For today’s world, at least for the most conscious leaders, all the questions of geopolitics come down to this one: To be or not to be.

    (1) The new information war or “the truth if I lie” by Djamel Labidi


    #West #United States #Russia #China #Ukraine

  • The 2012 Elections for the US House and Senate: What’s At Stake For Morocco?

    The 2012 Elections for the US House and Senate: What’s At Stake For Morocco?

    Topics : Morocco, United States, USA, Congress, Senate, lobbying,

    1801 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008 p: 202. 299.9599 | www.moffettgroupdc.com

    To: His Excellency Rachad Bouhlal
    Moroccan Ambassador to the United States
    From: Toby Moffett
    Chairman, The Moffett Group
    Date: August 28, 2012

    Re: The 2012 Elections for the US House and Senate: What’s At Stake For Morocco?

    Mr. Ambassador,
    The goal of this analysis is to provide you and Moroccan officials in Rabat with various scenarios related to the upcoming United States elections and how the results might affect the U.S.-Moroccan relationship. In other words, who are the likely winners among those with jurisdiction over issues of interest to Morocco?

    As you know, this is not an exact science. We have no way of knowing who will win in certain races where the races are close and the campaign is hard-fought. As we have seen in recent days, a number of unforeseeable events and circumstances can shift the fortunes of individual candidates and even of an entire party, i.e. the selection of Rep. Paul Ryan as Governor Romney’s running mate, the damaging remarks by Rep. Todd Akin in the Missouri Senate race, and the economic data that indicates the economy is not improving.

    Please note that this analysis is based on what we are observing at the moment and the reality on the ground. Nonetheless, our assumptions are that the House of Representatives will remain under Republican control (the Republicans currently hold a 49-seat advantage (242-193). We believe a new Republican House majority in the 113th Congress will have a margin of only a handful of votes.

    With regard to the U.S. Senate, we believe that either party could control the Senate, with no more than a one or two vote margin. Currently, the Democrats currently hold a 6-seat advantage (53-47). Given the races that are considered “toss-ups,” we view a Democrat majority in the Senate as slightly more likely than a Republican one.


    Both the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House and the Foreign Relations committee in the Senate are vitally important to Morocco, especially with regard to matters relating to the Western Sahara dispute and any un-related issues.

    At the same time, the Appropriations committees – particularly the Subcommittees on State-Foreign Operations – are extremely relevant as all foreign assistance money, both military and civilian, are approved by these committees in the House and Senate. 1801 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008 p: 202. 299.9599 | www.moffettgroupdc.com

    Aditionally, given the increasing importance of security-related matters, especially relating to the Western Sahara but also in Mali and other parts of North Africa, the Select Committees on Intelligence in both chambers are becoming more and more important to Morocco.


    Two key committees in the House and Senate may both have new leadership when the 113th Congress convenes in January 2013. Both the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee could have new chairmen/women.

    In the House, the current chairwoman, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL) faces a party-imposed term limit, so there certainly will be a new chairman. Please see below for our analysis of the prospects for new leadership.

    In the Senate, with the departure of Secretary Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State following the November election, there is a distinct possibility that Senator John Kerry (MA), currently the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, would become Secretary of State should President Obama be re-elected. This would automatically leave the senate chairmanship vacant.



    If the Democrats retain control of the Senate, and Senator Kerry is not chosen as the new Secretary of State, he would remain the leader of the committee. But if Kerry departs, there are several veteran Democrats who might become chair of the committee.

    Currently second in seniority on the Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Barbara Boxer (CA) also serves as chairwoman of the Environment and Public Works Committee. It is in our view unlikely, but not impossible, that she would relinquish that position to take over Foreign Relations.

    Another possible chairman is Senator Bob Menendez (NJ). He is currently in a harder-than-expected re-election race in New Jersey, but is almost certain to retain his seat. If so, and if Senator Kerry departs for the State Department, Senator Menendez would almost surely choose the Foreign Relations chair. He is passionately supportive of Morocco. His chief focus, as a Cuban-American, is on matters impacting Cuba, but he would be very positive towards Morocco. 1801 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008 p: 202. 299.9599 | www.moffettgroupdc.com

    Behind Menendez in seniority is Senator Ben Cardin (MD). He is another long-time supporter of Morocco and its position on the Western Sahara. He is a Jewish-American and has been positively influenced by various U.S. Jewish groups who support Morocco and appreciate its relationship with Israel and the Moroccan diaspora in Israel.


    The primary defeat of Richard Lugar (IN), the committee’s top Republican since 1985, has ignited speculation as to which Republican senator would assume their party’s top position on this committee.

    If Republicans win control of the Senate, the most likely new chair of the committee would be Senator Bob Corker (TN). While by no means as skilled and focused on foreign relations as the past two chairman – now-Vice President Joe Biden or Senator Kerry – Corker has increasingly shown more interest and greater knowledge of the world. We have every reason to believe the Senator Corker, as committee chairman, would be supportive of Morocco, specifically on the Moroccan framework for resolving the Western Sahara dispute.

    Corker, however, may choose to forego that chairmanship for another. It is quite possible that should the Republicans control the Senate, Corker would select the chairmanship of the Banking Committee where he occupies a senior position.

    In that case, two other Senators may inherit the Foreign Relations chair, and neither have a great deal of experience in foreign affairs. Both are relatively junior members: Senator Jim Risch (ID) and the other is Senator Marco Rubio (FL).

    With regard to the Subcommittee Near Eastern and South and Central Asian (which has jurisdiction over Morocco), if current Ranking Member Sen. Risch does not assume the chairmanship of the full committee, it is expected that he would become chair of that subcommittee. Another possible chair of the subcommittee is Senator Mike Lee (UT). From all indications, both of these Senators would be supportive of Morocco’s approach on the Sahara.


    The House Foreign Affairs Committee faces significant change next year because of Republican term limits for its chairwoman and an uphill re-election battle for its ranking Democrat. There are also a slew of senior members retiring from both parties. So, regardless of who controls the chamber, the committee is poised to feature an almost entirely new lineup in its upper ranks in the 113th Congress. 1801 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008 p: 202. 299.9599 | www.moffettgroupdc.com


    Despite only getting one Congress as chairwoman of the committee, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL) is coming up against House Republican term limits for committee leaders at the end of the 112th Congress. Republican leaders count time served as ranking member toward their three-term cap on committee chairmanships, and Ros-Lehtinen served as the senior most Republican on the panel in the 110th (2007-2008) and 111th (2009-2010) Congresses. Unless the party leadership grants her a waiver – which is a very rare occurrence – she will be forced to give up the gavel.

    There is a chance that Rep. Ros-Lehtinen could make a legitimate pitch for a term-limit waiver based on the fact that she is the only female and only Hispanic member chairing a House committee. Both GOP members who sought waivers from their party last Congress, however, were rejected and that is not expected to change in the 113th Congress.

    Rep. Chris Smith (NJ) is next in seniority and actually has more seniority in Congress than Ros-Lehtinen. He was passed over, however, for ranking member when Rep. Ros-Lehtinen took the top Republican spot in 2007. He was also stripped of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs chairmanship at the start of the 109th Congress, after a standoff with GOP leadership over veterans’ health care funding.

    Rep. Smith has a tendency to go his own direction on the issues he is passionate about – most notably abortion and human rights – regardless of the political or diplomatic implications, which is a significant obstacle to any chairmanship aspirations. There is a chance, however, that Republican leadership would bow to his decades of experience on the committee. He is currently the chairman of the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health and Human Rights (AGHHR).

    It is important to note that Rep. Smith has joined virtually every call for religious freedom in Morocco made by U.S. officials, particularly his congressional colleagues. He was very outspoken against the Moroccan government when it ordered Christian proselytizers to leave the country.

    A more likely possibility is that Rep. Ed Royce (CA) will leapfrog Rep. Smith and Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (CA) – seen by Republican leaders as too unpredictable – for the top position. The other senior Republicans on the committee, Rep. Dan Burton (IN), Rep. Elton Gallegly (CA) and Rep. Donald Manzullo (IL) are all retiring this year.

    Rep. Royce is currently the chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade, has been a quiet, but steady, voice on foreign affairs from the committee. He also 1801 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008 p: 202. 299.9599 | www.moffettgroupdc.com

    has been a team player on party politics, kicking in more than $200,000 from his campaign account to the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) this cycle. There is a chance, however that Rep. Royce could get the chairmanship of House Committee on Financial Services next year because current chairman Rep. Spencer Bachus (AL) is also term-limited and Royce is third in line in terms of seniority.

    If Royce takes the chairmanship of the Financial Services Committee, Rep. Steve Chabot (OH) could become chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Rep. Chabot, currently the chairman of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, served in the House from 1995 to 2008 before losing re-election, only to win back his seat in 2010.

    With regard to the chairmanship of the Subcommittee on Africa, if Rep. Smith is passed over again for the chairmanship of the full committee, he will most likely retain the gavel of this subcommittee. If, however, he assumes the chair of the full committee, Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (NE) is next in line on the subcommittee. The other three Republican members of that panel Rep. Tom Marino (PA), Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (NY) and Rep. Bob Turner (NY), are all freshman members and therefore most likely not in a position to become subcommittee chair.


    Ranking Member Rep. Howard Berman (CA) is currently in a tough race for reelection against fellow Democrat and Foreign Affairs Committee member Rep. Brad Sherman (CA), thanks to redistricting in California. Berman finished second to Sherman in California’s new “jungle” primary system in June. Since the two incumbents were the top two finishers, they will face off again in the general election in November. Rep. Sherman has benefited from the newly redrawn district because it encompasses far more of his old district than Rep. Berman’s. As of now, Rep. Berman is the underdog.

    If Rep. Berman somehow manages to come out on top in November, he will retain his position as top Democrat on the Foreign Affairs Committee. If Rep. Sherman defeats Rep. Berman (as is expected), he would also be well positioned to take over the top Democratic spot on the committee.

    The two members ahead of Rep. Sherman on the Foreign Affairs Committee are Rep. Gary Ackerman (NY) and Del. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega (American Samoa). Ackerman is retiring at the end of the 112th Congress. Del. Faleomavaega has indicated interest in the post should Berman lose his race, but there is little precedent for a non-voting member to serve as chairman of a full committee.

    If Democrats manage to win back the majority of the House the chairmanship would likely go to whichever member survives the Berman-Sherman primary. Democrats tend to stick 1801 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008 p: 202. 299.9599 | www.moffettgroupdc.com

    more closely to seniority for committee assignments than Republicans. The next two Democrats on the committee after Rep. Sherman are Rep. Eliot Engel (NY) and Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY).

    With regard to the key Africa subcommittee(which in the House has jurisdiction over Morocco-related matters) freshman Rep. Karen Bass (CA) has held the top spot since the unfortunate passing of Rep. Donald Payne (NJ) in March. Rep. Bass is likely to retain this post, though the Democratic makeup of this Subcommittee is likely to change drastically.
    Please note that all of the Democrats mentioned here as possible chairs of the Foreign Affairs Committee have been very supportive of Morocco and, specifically, of the Moroccan framework for resolving the Sahara dispute.



    If the Democrats retain control of the Senate in November, Senator Daniel Inouye (HI) is likely to remain as Chairman of the Committee, despite his advanced age (he is currently the second-oldest Senator at 87 years of age).

    The general Democratic makeup over the Committee is likely to remain largely the same: only three of the Committee’s sixteen Democrats are in close races for re-election. Senator Ben Nelson (NE) is retiring, Senator Sherrod Brown (OH) is in a very close race in one of the country’s most hotly contested states, and though he is favored to win at this point, this race could easily change, and Brown could lose. Finally, Senator Jon Tester (MT) is in one of the closest Senate races this fall, and his race will almost certainly be a tossup until Election Day.

    The makeup of the Subcommittee on State-Foreign Operations is likely to remain largely intact. Senator Pat Leahy (VT) is likely to remain Chairman of the Subcommittee if the Democrats retain control of the Senate, and only Senator Brown is among the subcommittee members who may lose re-election.

    Please recall that Senator Leahy has not been among Morocco’s staunchest allies in the past, and that this attitude is likely to continue.


    If Republicans win control of the Senate in November, Senator Thad Cochran (MS) will become the next chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. If the GOP falls short of the 51 seats they need, however, there will be a new top Republican on the committee, as 1801 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008 p: 202. 299.9599 | www.moffettgroupdc.com

    Cochran would have to give up the ranking member slot due to Republican term limits for committee leaders.

    At this point, it is very unclear who would take over the top spot for the Republicans should the GOP remain in the minority. The next three Senators in line – Mitch McConnell (KY), Richard Shelby (AL) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) – all have reasons as to why they would not assume to the top position on the committee. McConnell is currently the Republican Senate leader (a position he’s expected to retain), Shelby is currently the top Republican on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee (a position he’s expected to retain), and Hutchison is retiring at the end of this Congress.

    With regard to the Subcommittee on State-Foreign Operations, Senator Lindsey Graham (SC) is expected to keep the top position for Republicans regardless of which party holds in majority after November.



    On the House side, the leadership picture is much clearer with regard to appropriations. Current full committee chairman Rep. Hal Rogers (KY) and subcommittee chairwoman Rep. Kay Granger (TX) will keep their leadership positions no matter what happens in November.
    They have both been strong supporters of Morocco especially on the issue of the Western Sahara and aid.


    The Ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, Rep. Norm Dicks (WA), has announced that he will retire at the end of this term. The identity of the new Ranking Member (or Chairman, should the Democrats win back the House) remains somewhat unclear.

    Rep. Marcy Kaptur (OH) is the second-most senior Democrat on the committee, but has clashed with Democratic leadership in the past. Some Democrats view her support of abortion rights as wavering, and this issue may play heavily in the campaign for the committee’s top spot for Democrats. Rep. Nita Lowey (NY), the former chairwoman of the State-Foreign Operations Subcommittee, and a strong supporter of Morocco, is expected to challenge Kaptur for the post. Rep. Jim Moran (VA) may also make an attempt to win the position. 1801 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008 p: 202. 299.9599 | www.moffettgroupdc.com

    The makeup of the State-Foreign Operations Subcommittee will be substantially different in the next Congress, regardless of whether or not the Democrats take back control of the House. Rep. Nita Lowey (NY) is likely to win re-election. If she does not take over as ranking member of the full Committee (see above), she is likely to return as ranking member of the subcommittee. Rep. Lowey has been a consistent support of Morocco, especially on the issue of aid.

    Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL) has recently undergone treatment for health problems, the precise details of which have not been revealed. He would be next in line to take over as ranking member of the subcommittee, but there is at least a small chance that he will not return to serve a full term next year. In that case, the Ranking Member post would pass to Rep. Adam Schiff (CA).

    Finally, Rep. Rothman (NJ) was defeated in a primary election by fellow Democratic Rep. Pascrell (NJ) and will not return to Congress in 2013. Rep. Rothman has been a strong supporter of Morocco on the Subcommittee.

    If the Democrats should unexpectedly win control of the House, there will be a strong contest for the chairmanships both of the full committee and the Foreign Operations Subcommittee involving the members mentioned above.


    With regard to the leadership of the intelligence committees in both chambers, little is expected to change for the 113th Congress.

    Current Senate Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is expected to retain the gavel should the Democrats maintain control of the Senate. Vice Chairman Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) will remain as the top Republican regardless of the outcome of the November election.

    In the House, current Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) will remain as chairman if the Republicans keep control of the House. Ranking Member C.A. “Dutch” Ruppersberger (D-MD) will stay on as the top Democrat. 1801 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008 p: 202. 299.9599 | www.moffettgroupdc.com

    The biggest change in the House Intelligence Committee will come on the subcommittee level. Currently, the chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, HUMINT, Analysis, and Counterintelligence, Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC), will be retiring at the end of year. The next person to fill her spot at the top of the subcommittee, if Republicans hold the House, would be Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX). Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) will most likely retain the top position for the Democrats regardless of which party holds the majority in the 113th Congress.

    Again, in the unlikely event that Democrats capture control of the House, Rep Thompson would be a favorite to win the chairmanship.

    It is important to note that each Senator and Representatives mentioned are supportive of Morocco and, the stabilizing role they play in the North Africa region. Morocco is well positioned with regard to both intelligence committees in the next Congress.

    #Morocco #USA

  • Thione Niang mission report

    Thione Niang mission report

    Tags : Morocco, United States, USA, Western Sahara, Young Democrats of America, lobbying,

    Executive Summary

    Upon my return to Tindouf I set up some meetings in DC to talk to key people to inform them about the situation in the Camps and my recommendations from a young American leader.

    Conference Call with YDA National Executive board
    The week of our return in DC Chris Anderson and I held a conference call briefing of the Trip and steps to take toward resolution with YDA (Young Democrats of America) national executive board.

    Outcome: This again continues to bring awareness to the young leaders across the country whom knew nothing about the Sahara issue prior to our involvement.

    Letters to the State Department
    Upon my return to Tindouf I send a meeting request letter to inform the US State Department and the White House about my trip in both Tindouf and Morocco and share my thoughts with them. My main concern with them will be the need for the US to act for our security. I had was with Tashea Brodgins who is helping me set up the meeting in Washington with the young Moroccans and the Young people from the Camps.

    Meeting with Congressman Payne

    Background on Conyers:

    Congressman Conyers is the chair of the Black Caucus. He wrote the letter to President Obama to pressure Morocco to investigate the recent issues in Layoone. He is an important person on this issue in DC.

    In this meeting I gave a report of our trips in Tindouf and Morocco, what we have seen on both sides and the need for the United States to act quickly.

    I also stressed the need for the Black Caucus to investigate all information it receives from all parties very carefully. Because when I arrived to the meeting there was impressions that the other side has gotten to them by their grassroots work on the recent events in Layoone. In result to that Payne’s office delivered a letter to the President to pressure Morocco to investigate the death of a young boy.

    I have informed them that in my very recent trip in Morocco last week that those photos was not real and stressed the need to take time to investigate.

    I have also indicated that it will be for the best interest our country and our reputation take a look at both sides to have a better picture of the situation like I just did which they promised to so.

    Issue: In this matter I have learnt that the grassroots of the other side has been very strong in DC and was successfully able to put Morocco against the defense mode.

    There is not enough pressure from Morocco on the grassroots side to do the same or at lest balance things.. In result to that the image of morocco here needs to be protected and I will just be honest.

    Outcome of this meeting:

    The Congressman, his office and many many people including my self receive so many emails every week from the other sides on every little thing that happens in Layoone or Dakhla and for that they get sensitive to the issue. I personally forwarded all of the emails I have been receiving since the Layoone from the other side.

    So I shared with the Congressman what I have heard from Morocco that those pictures the Spanish newspapers are just using them to make Morocco look bad but there more untold stories there. He asked me to share those info Algene and follow up with a meeting with her.

    Another Meeting with Algene Sajery

    Background on Algene: She is the author of the letter that the Congressman wrote and is the point person dealing with this issue at the Africa Subcommittee. As of last week she became the new staff director of the committee. She is also important because her position tends to influence the Payne’s.

    Algene and I met again few days after the initial meeting to talk about the event I am working on to bring the young Moroccans and young people from Tindouf on the table here. But most importantly follow up with her on Payne’s request. In this meeting I have stressed the need for her to go to Tindouf so she can see the difference.

    She is very sensitive about the people on the camps I believe because of the pictures they have been showing them and there is no one up until now that is telling them the opposite and I guess that is what I am doing at this point with her and the rest of the members that I have been meeting.


    She informed me that they were working on another letter for Congress and the White House they are working on and this time for Human Rights issues in Layoone. She also had been received a lot of emails and info from the other side. They are daily sending info where there is nothing from Morocco in return.

    Outcome of this meeting:

    I was able to convince her to take her time to look at both sides because there is obviously some propaganda here when it comes to the info she receives from the other side and I care more than anything about the credibility of our Nation. I showed her the videos that I received from Manelle and pictures, which helped to have her think about things a little different, but there is still a lot of work to be done with her and I am willing to continue to do so.


    To continue to work with the Congressman Payne’s office and keep putting pressure on them to let them know that it is not Ok to take blunt decisions without consequences. The way to do that is to monitor the actions and always follow up with whatever comes up. We cannot wait till things happen to respond, there should be a permanent operation going on non‐stop in DC which I will highlight on my recommendations.

    Meeting with Congressman Conyers and his stuff

    Background on Conyers: He is the founder of the Black Caucus and been serving in Congress since 1965. He is the Chairman of the US Congress Judicial Committee. He is the second longest serving member in the US Congress now.

    In our first trip to Morocco he arranged for the CIA to give us a report on the issue and set up a meeting for our delegation to be received by his friend US Ambassador Kaplan in Rabat.


    In the meeting I gave him a full report of the rip to Morocco and Tindouf. I have shared with him what I have seen in Layoone, the progress, the development, my meeting with families who came back from the camps, the Cheikhs, the Human Rights Organizations who assured me that all was going well in that matter, etc… I have also shared with him the situation at the camps and how difficult it is for people there, and that our government should do something immediately. Because he is in charge of the security of our nation, CIA, FBI and Homeland security, we discussed the security aspect where I warned him of the potential threat if we don’t move fast because of the vulnerability of the youth in the camps who can be picked up by Al‐aeda if we do nothing.

    I have shared with him pictures of both sides. He asked his staff member Isaac Robinson present in the meeting to note the security part and he will call a meeting to hear from the State Department to see what has been done and we go from there. He has been informed now and he is going to take steps and I will continue to follow up with him cause I am also helping him for a Bill he dearly cares about which is the Water for the World Act that I testified in Congress last Wednesday. I also organized a conference call for him with the National Board of the young Democrats of America. So it is a huge step to work on having him on our side because he is very listened to in Washington DC. I also urged him on the propaganda from the other side in case he receives anything from them or Payne’s office.

    Outcome of this meeting

    In this meeting I gave the Congressman a full report of both of my trips. He instructed his stuff/ advisor Isaac Robinson (Vice President of the Young Democrats of America whom I brought to Morocco with me) and work with me on following up with the State Department and see what have been done and he will take the steps forward. I am willing to follow up with that as well

    Meeting with Congressman Bobby Rush’s staff (Angelle Kwemo)

    Background on Bobby Rush: He is a senior member and also the Chair of the Commerce and trade committee. He is also one of the seniors of the Black Caucus. He is very close to the President. The Congressman signed the first letter sent to the President to pressure Morocco.

    Angelle Kwemo: She is the Legal Counsel for the Congressman and advice the Congressman on this particular issue.

    Once I received the letter that went to the White House, I immediately called a meeting with Angelle Kwemo who is a good friend of mine and we both serve in the Congressional African Staff Association( this association is for all African born staffers or former staffers of US Congress) which she is the President and I am the communication Director. I was able to clarify things with Angelle, to show her the videos that I received from Manele. She was shocked to learn about it from Morocco’s point of view. Few days later she talked to the Congressman and decided the will NOT SIGNED ANOTHER letter and they from now on as I urged them to investigate all of the info that they receive from either side.


    Upon my return I have written an article sent to the Washington Post and the New York Times, which was not published as of now.


    I am aware that you stressed importance of this article in your last email but I think that if this article was published Ok it will be good for Morocco for a day or two but the long‐term I will be very limited to what I can do to help bring end to this issue. Many articles have been published about the issue both in New York Times and the Post and/or support letters sometimes by members but situations still did not change if it is not worsen. Therefore I believe we have got to take a different approach. And that approach has to be the grassroots and also for me to be able to navigate around DC having in mind that the end goal is to show that the autonomy plan is the ideal to resolve this issue. I can’t reach that by jumping to conclusion openly this soon. There is a lot of work to be done and it can’t be minimized.

    Morocco is way behind when it comes to the grassroots in the US. Everyone has info from the other side but no office that I went had anything from Morocco on the

    recent events in Layoone. If I openly step forward, the other side will scream to the rest of the people in DC whom can listen to me that I am bought by Morocco so I am not credible to speak. I have to try at least to bring solutions. This is how I have to be seen. And to be honest that’s how I feel because I want to see an end to this.

    So the grassroots work I have been doing is way more important than a published letter or article because I am able to know who is thinking what and I am working on changing the perception toward the situation and specially toward Morocco.

    Note: I am not excluding the support letter but I just want it to be more timely and more effective. Write a letter to just write it will not help.

    Example: The other side agreed to let their youth come meet their counterparts from Morocco and if I do the letter now they will shut all of their doors immediately and we will not have no progress. We will start from zero again. But if I try those steps, I will be able to have the ear of my government afterward when I send a letter or go to Congress and testify which I plan to do. It will be important in Congress when I testify to show that I have taken the steps necessary and I believe after all that Morocco’s Autonomy Plan is the solution. For now it is premature and will not help Morocco at all.


    What is clearly missing in DC for Morocco is the grassroots aspect I repeat. The other side is way ahead of you guys on this very important issue to you. In result to that Morocco is always on a defense side, which is not very good.

    We ought to create strategic outreach plan to build a grassroots portfolio in DC to target the concerning parties and have a very constant operation. We can help with that, specially with the huge databases that we possess. I am open to discuss that after we clear this item. If needed, we will prepare a proposal for you. This will be with my team, as it will take more teamwork to get the job done.

    Thione NIANG

    Chair, International Affairs Committee
    Young Democrats of America

    #Morocco #Western_Sahara #Thione_Niang #Young_democrats_of-America

  • Stop the logic of war

    Stop the logic of war

    Ukraine, Russia, China, Taïwan, OTAN, nuclear war, United States, USA, NATO, West,

    On the occasion of September 21, the International Day of Peace, we must recognize that the international situation is currently evolving in an extremely dangerous direction. The world urgently needs disarmament and a de-escalation of the rhetoric of confrontation.

    For the past seven months, Russia’s war in Ukraine has been raging, bringing the country to the brink of destruction. Russia is also indirectly confronting NATO. All this is happening against the backdrop of a potential radioactive disaster at the Zaporizhia power plant, the largest in Europe.

    In April, it was announced that the new AUKUS military alliance – which has included Australia, the United Kingdom and the U.S. for the past year, with a view to equipping Australia with nuclear submarines – would also develop hypersonic weapons, which will probably be pointed at China.

    In June, the NATO summit in Madrid adopted a new Strategic Concept that stigmatized Russia as « the most important threat…to the Euro-Atlantic area » and China for its « coercive policies that are contrary to our interests, security and values.

    In August, China responded to U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s provocative visit to Taiwan with large-scale live-fire exercises in the vicinity of Taiwan.

    Also in August, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference ended in abject failure, failing to reach consensus on a text that in any case would have done nothing to commit the nuclear-weapon states to a concrete disarmament process they committed to pursue « in good faith » 52 years ago!

    A discourse that masks reality

    According to our leaders, the growing tensions in the world can only be blamed on Russia and China. This discourse is not only simplistic, but hypocritical. For if they claim to be defenders of international law in the case of Ukraine, Western countries have themselves attacked Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. If they are defenders of the right to self-determination in Taiwan, they are not at all in favor of it for Palestine, the Donbass, the Western Sahara, Catalonia, etc. And they are ready to defend democracy and human rights… except in the many authoritarian countries that are their allies.

    Their main principles are only levers of their foreign policy, to be operated when it serves their interests. And the instantaneous information in which we are immersed – which provides neither historical context nor proof of the facts – simply echoes the indignant denunciations of our leaders and thus confirms public opinion in a posture of moral superiority of the West.

    But what is the point of all this theater and what exactly is China being reproached for, since it is above all in the crosshairs of the United States? In the new Strategic Concept adopted by all NATO countries, we read that China « uses a wide range of political, economic and military tools to strengthen its presence in the world and project its power… It seeks to gain control over key technological and industrial sectors…. It uses economic leverage to create strategic dependencies and increase its influence.

    In short, as a major economic power, China is adopting many of the same actions that were previously the sole preserve of the United States. In essence, the threat posed by China is that the United States will no longer be the sole ruler of the world, a prerogative it intends to retain at all costs… even at the cost of putting humanity at risk.

    Imminent nuclear danger

    As early as 1946, Albert Einstein stated: « The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything except our ways of thinking, and we are thus sliding towards an unprecedented catastrophe. » Our leaders, on the other hand, are showing total unconsciousness by pushing us more and more into a logic of confrontation with China and Russia, when a war between nuclear powers should be absolutely unthinkable.

    Not only do they think about it, but they talk about it openly. « For us, it is only a matter of time, » the director of intelligence of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command recently said. On May 23, and again last Sunday, President Biden said the United States would use force to defend Taiwan if China attacked.

    Not only are they thinking about it, they are talking about it openly. « For us, it’s just a matter of time, » the director of intelligence for the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command recently said. On May 23, and again last Sunday, President Biden said the United States would use force to defend Taiwan if China attacked.

    Not only are they talking about it openly, they believe they can win such a war! For example, one of the four main priorities of the U.S. Defense Strategy (2022) reads: « Deter aggression, while being prepared to prevail in conflicts if necessary, prioritizing the challenge of the People’s Republic of China in the Indo-Pacific, followed by the challenge of Russia in Europe. »

    A warlike escalation

    The war in Ukraine has created millions of new refugees and internally displaced persons. Elsewhere in the world, it has contributed to a significant increase in the rate of inflation, which is hitting the most vulnerable populations particularly hard, and risks leading to a food crisis.

    Moreover, in terms of the climate crisis, the war in Ukraine and the threat of war in Taiwan are leading to significant setbacks: on the one hand, a return to coal in Germany and plans for increased oil and gas development, particularly in Canada and the United States; and, on the other, the suspension of climate change negotiations between China and the United States, the world’s two largest GHG emitters.

    It is not only urgent to decarbonize human activity on the planet, but also to put an end to the logic of war, the bellicose rhetoric under humanitarian pretexts and the astronomical military expenditures that accompany them.

    One of the slogans of the climate justice movement is « Change the system, not the climate ». Let us also reject the logic of war inherent in this system. It is a matter of survival for humanity.

    Le Devoir, 21/09/2022

    #Russia #China #Ukraine #West #Europe #Nuclear_war #NATO